White Bubblegum?

ajdrew said:
I essentially say, hey a happy surprise popped up in my garden.
People are all suspicious, show us a picture.
I post a picture.  Not good enough, it is blurry.
Uh ye, my camera sucks (got a new one).
Now it is a year later.
Did you get the seeds from A.J.?
No this is the "real deal".
My god, this sounds like showing off a lid of primo when I was in High School and I aint talking peppers.  Just had something pop up, shared the news, shared some pictures.  Now someone wants to argue if something else is the 'real deal'.  Look at all those red hairs.  Wait, sorry the  red hair thing was part of the flash back.
Yes, I said "lid".  I am old.  When packing my kids lunch I gotta stop myself from licking the baggie.

I searched for white bubblegum,found this topic,and posted accordingly. A practice everyone should do. There are no moderators here to merge topics and sure as hell not enough diligent people to search and post properly.

To be perfectly honest,I did not read a single post here, and the individual that quoted my post asked if I received seeds from AJ,thought he meant AlabamaJack. I don't know you nor do I care to really. Take that for whatever it's worth. I certainly wasn't trying to one-up you. I couldn't care less about the The F-2 superhot craze,or the dick grabbing and chest puffing that this hobby has become.

The seeds I received for these plants came from a friend in Europe that I have known for 5 or 6 years. He asked me if I would grow out a few plants for him because he does things the right way!

Take care.
Dick grabbing and chest puffing?  I was making funny about smoking weed as a teen to try and diffuse what looked like dick grabbing and chest puffing.Now I want to recommend the stuff for medical purposes.  You don't care to know me?  Guy, please take your medication and play nice.  All is good guy, nobody is pulling your dick or puffing your chest.
before this thread goes to far in the shitter cause I love me some white bubblegum...
here's a frutegum plant I have that is putting out small white pods that the calyx is now starting to turn white it appears 

"Yes, I said "lid".  I am old.  When packing my kids lunch I gotta stop myself from licking the baggie."
Haha! This is epic, another word you don't hear too much anymore is pinner. Love the pinners.
Voodoo 6 said:
Haha! This is epic, another word you don't hear too much anymore is pinner. Love the pinners.
Ohio Renaissance Festival, after hours hanging out with other merchants staying on site.  Someone offered me a hit on his three foot tall bong.  Thought I would be social.  The thing changed color with heat, had built in LEDs, and some bizarre two choke carburetor system.  He showed me how to use it, but there were so many steps I could not figure it out.  I said to him, you know when I was young we had these thin little things that fit in your wallet.  They were called rolling papers.

I have absolutely nothing against the stuff, but prefer beer.  It is so much easier.  You take the cap off, put the top to your mouth and tilt back.  Oh, and it doesnt make you gag or cough.  Well, unless it is American made.
FreeportBum said:
here's a frutegum plant I have that is putting out small white pods that the calyx is now starting to turn white it appears 
Is that from Mojo?
ajdrew said:
Ohio Renaissance Festival, after hours hanging out with other merchants staying on site.  Someone offered me a hit on his three foot tall bong.  Thought I would be social.  The thing changed color with heat, had built in LEDs, and some bizarre two choke carburetor system.  He showed me how to use it, but there were so many steps I could not figure it out.  I said to him, you know when I was young we had these thin little things that fit in your wallet.  They were called rolling papers.

I have absolutely nothing against the stuff, but prefer beer.  It is so much easier.  You take the cap off, put the top to your mouth and tilt back.  Oh, and it doesnt make you gag or cough.  Well, unless it is American made.
Is that from Mojo?
yes, his rasta frutegum. I have 5 different phenos currently out of 5 plants..lol 
Off topic here, so please pardon. One beer I haven't seen in a long time is Lowenbrau Dark. I see on the German website that they make the Dunkle, but perhaps its regional only. I think inbev bought them out so who knows.
I agree AJ, those bongs are pipes are getting ridiculous. pinners will always hold a place in the ol heart for me haha.
meatfreak said:
Funny as he claims its already stable in F-2  :banghead:  :high:
It's becoming worse than MJ strains... every small variation of unstable stuff gets a funky name and sells tons of seeds... then when a grower obtains something completely different from the pics advertised by the vendor, he puts "joe strain" or [random color] in the original name and propagates another new 'variety' to friends... Past F2 no one takes the time to put the correct F-generation in the label, a completely new name sounds better.
It's neverending and somewhat funny LOL
Datil said:
It's becoming worse than MJ strains... every small variation of unstable stuff gets a funky name and sells tons of seeds...
I think what happens is that folk see 10 seeds for $5.00 and the dollar signs light up in their eyes.  I'll just buy 10 seeds and then sell a million, ye baby...swimming pools, movie stars.  Then it moves into the funky pod thing you mentioned.  Cause you know, everything might be the next Carolina Reaper and take the Guinness Record.

I think the reality is that most seedmen make very little from the effort.  My homestead's main thing is growing peppers.  We started saving seeds because I cant afford to pay for new stock each year.  So it is kind of a sideline.  Thing is, from looking at the big time folk I do not see mansions, swimming pools, or movie stars.  I see modest homes and cars... A fair income for fair work sort of stuff.

So I think you are right that they want to sell shit tons of seeds, thus making shit tons of money, but not sure it is actually happening.

Here is Jim Duffy who is very widely known.  No swimming pool, no movie stars.  Just a normal guy.

Pr0digal_son said:
I agree,hot like a car hood in Phoenix. These were creepers for me,took a couple minutes before they peaked. 

Thanks for the pic john... long ago I remember eating a red bbg..took 30 seconds before there was heat... definitely a creeper...any throat burn?