If you can confirm it is indeed edema (the bumps are obviously in the leaf and not something attached to it), you don't need to worry much; it is certainly no death sentence. The plant is just not regulating it's water intake correctly or conditions make it difficult to transpire enough water to keep up with growth. Edema will just slow growth; plants pretty much never die from it. Eventually older leaves will develop some dead spots where it is affected the most, but the plant will start producing new leaves if the old ones are too damaged.
Over-watering, watering plants when it is humid, or consistently letting plants wilt before watering them are probably the most common conditions for developing edema indoors.
I'm not sure of your schedule or the actual reason for the edema, but is it possible to water twice as often, but half as much each time? Try it for a couple weeks and see if new growth is unaffected. Also a small fan will help a lot if you don't have one. A little air flow goes a long way with transpiration.
Good luck!