White fly infestation

Neem oil is a good start. Prevention is the best route. Lots of air flow and low humidity help. Would be nice if I had either of those in the swamp,lol. Good luck.
N.Central Florida is also hot, damp, and these things are EVERYWHERE right now.  Seems to be a battle every few days.  All the rains do  not help with the affects of too much water.  I am seeing leaf curl again, but have been applying NEEM every few days.  Keep having flowers drop, an I cut back a bit and new growth is somewhat vibrant, but still no pods.  We do get enough air movement outside to facilitate pollination in a normal sense, but I am thinking the summer rains we get every day are too much. Opinions?
sicman said:
Neem oil is a good start. Prevention is the best route. Lots of air flow and low humidity help. Would be nice if I had either of those in the swamp,lol. Good luck.
The neem oil was a huge help.  Many humble thanks!