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White Hab?

I'm sure it's still too early to tell....


This picture is a few days old, the pod is about half an inch long now, still has the general shape of the picture. It's supposedly a white hab, I thought all of the pods drooped. The buds had a droop to the them as well as when they flowered, but after pollination and losing the flower and the pod growing enough to be seen, its stem straightens out. Between my scotch bonnets and santa fe grandes, the white habs have the smallest buds. the first buds were 2 to branching site and eventually went up to 4 and 5. Small white flowers 5 petals, sometimes 6, kind of alight greenish tint at the tips of the petals. I've been told the plants look too big and have leaves bigger than white habs, but I think it has more to do with growing on my balcony as the plants growing at work are the same age and are significantly smaller with smaller leaves than those on my balcony. For a comparison, my Butch T at home has leaves bigger than my hand while the one at work has leaves maybe a quarter of that size, my scotch bonnet at home is over a foot tall with multiple branchings, the one at work is only about 8 inches and just started branching at the top.

Any ideas? Still possible my white habs are really white habs? If not, what could they possibly be without waiting for a fully grown and ripe pod?
So the two plants at work at finally setting pods, too small to tell much other than starting color.... One is the similar pale green and the other is dark green.... Again, other than initial pod color, the plants look exactly the same.... Will have to see how the dark green ones ripen....
Cut into the ripe one, it had a slightly lemony scent to it, quick hitting habanero heat that didn't last long.... Somewhat of a sour taste to it, probably have been watering it too much....
So I'm satisfied with calling the rounder ones a white habanero.... The other plant, though, no idea.... Pictures to follow.... Still not ripening, some are thin, some are getting thicker and taking on more of a regular habanero shape.... Even though it's bigger and has more pods, it seems to retain water better than the other plant....
looking thru on line seed catalogs i have seen 3 diff version of white hab, ones like the pic above that smokemaster has to me they look a lot like orange hab just smaller and white, also peruvian white wich look like jelly bean shaped and yucatan white hab wich looked like jelly beans and little white marbles on the same plant pods kinda varied most say yucatan white is the hottest of the 3, looks like you have the peruvian white if i had to guess,
looking thru on line seed catalogs i have seen 3 diff version of white hab, ones like the pic above that smokemaster has to me they look a lot like orange hab just smaller and white, also peruvian white wich look like jelly bean shaped and yucatan white hab wich looked like jelly beans and little white marbles on the same plant pods kinda varied most say yucatan white is the hottest of the 3, looks like you have the peruvian white if i had to guess,

The naming of the whites is somewhat of a mess. THSC reviewed a Yucatan White that had larger pods that were roughly the shape of a Habanero. I tried to grow the pointer conical Peruvian Limo Blanco that was found listed as a Habanero White. I can see it listed as a Habanero White from the Yucatan on a catalogue that I use for reference.

I grew those a few years ago...don't have a clue.
I just gave away my White Pearl habanero.
It had round smooth pods.

Do you recall the size of the pods that are shown in the photo?
Average size was about an inch X 3/8 in. +/-.(average size,some were larger,rounder or whatever).
I've probably still have seeds from it...
I didn't put it outside until after I took the picture.
The pods were White,not yellow white when ripe.

Same with the pea sized round podded one(white pearl).

Smooth and round, almost like a jellybean shape, it's a lighter shade of yellow than the picture shows....



these two are more of a thinner and longer pod than the first picture and seem to be ripening to more of a yellow than a light yellow like the others.... Some of the later pods to set are growing thicker and not smooth, starting as a darker green, still....

Photobucket is being weird.... Harvest picture, the ones in the right are white habaneros, like they're supposed to be.... The others, are not, any ideas?

Photobucket is being weird.... Harvest picture, the ones in the right are white habaneros, like they're supposed to be.... The others, are not, any ideas?

I swapped the link out above for the image tag to the photo. Previously you mentioned the seed vendor was known for sending the wrong seeds and that these plants were grown from the same seed packet. Is the seed vendor also know for selling non-isolated seeds that produce hybrids?
I haven't looked that far into them.... No loss to me, I didn't buy them, a buddy who had problems growing other seeds he bought gave them to me.... I can't tell much of a difference between the taste and heat after trying a few but I've been told they're about the same heat but the long yellow ones are slightly sweeter....
Do those come off a slightly larger plant than white habaneros? My plants at work are starting to show the same difference in initial pod color, and between them, the darker green pods are on the taller plants....
I do have some unripe that resemble those more than the ones already harvested.... It could be the picture but mine are more of a bright yellow instead of orange.... With more of a lemony taste than store-bought habaneros....