chinense white habanero

Don't care about the screw ups because everyone screws up.
Fair. To an extent. One can only take so much regardless of company size. I don't mean that towards Buckeye or Pepper Joe specifically. It's only reasonable to have a certain expectation. Granted I hear what you're saying and there should be some leniency as it's only realistic. 
To me mistakes aren't the main problem , as much as getting crap/attitude from a vendor when you tell them they screwed up.
Especially when some one like me usually buys everything several vendors sell at said time.
I only spent over $1500.+,easily on seeds this year,freshening up my stash...I have everything several vendors sold this year,
Everything wild,sweet or hot.
I have about every kind of white hab there is - There are at least a dozen names for them.
Peruvian White,White Bullet,White Pearl (round ones),White Lightning etc.
Some are actually pure white,others are yellow/white.
All sizes and shapes.
ALL have an XLNT Chinense taste and various heat.
For me they either are a super pain to grow OR they put out more pods than leaves.
smokemaster said:
ALL have an XLNT Chinense taste and various heat.
For me they either are a super pain to grow OR they put out more pods than leaves.
Exactly what I think about the Peruvian Hab, I loved it but man it is a heavy producer. First year I grew 4 of them....never again!
Smokemaster, exactamundo!  Thing I do not get can be shown by example.  Shipped plants to someone.  Two weeks later she complained that the leaves turned brown and the plants all died.  She sent a picture.  I sent her three plants, could see many more all brown and dead.  Obviously, not my screw up.  I apologized, explained that I should have included instructions because after plants sit in the dark they have special requirements, and sent her new plants.  Nope, not my screw up but I learned from it and she not only ordered other plants but sent me friends for my customer service.  I do not understand why any business would give grief to any customer over any thing.  It makes no sense.  Give away something here and you get back somewhere else.  That and it makes you feel damn good to make people smile.

About spending $1500.00 a year on seed.  You sir are an addict.  Strange, I have not seen you at the meetings. 