White tomatoes

I plucked this tomato from the garden yesterday. I'm not sure but I think it is a Giant White, aka White Beefsteak. A friend from my hometown got four plants but all the nursery could tell him was it was a white tomato.

It weighs 34.4 ounces (963 grams). Hopefully, it and some of its siblings will make a nice batch of white chili.


Looks great, not exactly the perfect fruit, but I just love all these non-red tomatoe varieties, they look so exciting imo.
Mate that looks great...

In the white i am growing the Hugh's & snow white this year..

Wordwiz, have a look at the hugh's as i think it might be what you have.

Makes me look forward to getting mine going.

What is the vine like??

EDIT:On second look I think you are right. Your tom looks more like the Giant White.
Great tomato Mike. We're growing white beauty, white brandywine, and great white. The flavor is great, our first year to raise them. The chili should be excellent.

If I get lucky, I'll have a couple more ripe ones today, enough to make at least one quart of juice.

I know I have enough for two more quarts of red juice.

I managed to pluck another 12 pounds worth tonight! Where were these toms back in July and August when I could have used a bunch of them.

You can bet your sweet bippy I will be sowing seeds in the middle of January next year, at least the ones for my own use!

olesmokey said:
one word about your white tomatoes is they are acid free

I doubt that. Too late for me to test the juice, but it tasted just like red juice.

I'll let you know at the end of December, early January when I take white chili to our family Christmas gathering.
