Who can help identify this pepper?

Hi guys, Last time I posted regarding the C. Eximium which I got from from seedsavers, and which did not turn out to be an eximium, but as someone knew, a CAP 1546. This plant has turned out gorgiously and I am looking forward tasting the peppers.


From the same org came small rocoto seeds, but only half of the seeds turned out to be the small rocoto. The others, I thought they were ordinary annuum, but, now that the pods are getting ready to pick, I notice a few unusual things.
The pods are soft and orangy-red. They are very juicy, and when they are ready to pick, they fall off the bush.
The pods are not super hot, I may estimate the heat about 30k, but they do have an excellent taste, and they remind me the C. Cumari, which is also pretty juicy and soft. I would love to know if anyone has seen this pepper before, and what the name, origin is.


The fist multicoloured pepper/Capsicum is often sold in Australian nurseries as a variously named ('Purple Prince' etc) ornamental. At one stage it was listed by the dopey NSW Department of Agricultures in their booklet on poisonous garden plants! You still find many people in Australia thinking "ornamental" peppers are poisonous!
I found the flavour a little disappointing when I grew it. It is mid- hot.

The second I do not know, but probable frutescens/annum. Do you have a photo of the flower?

Does this site have a botanical key?
There is a useful botanical key here if you speak botany
If the seeds were black then it's a pretty safe bet they were c. pubescens.

Otherwise, if the seeds from your mystery pepper were not black, and the peppers do indeed ripen to a solid red, I would guess serrano tampiqueno. I grew those last year, and they were very meaty and juicy with a burn that won't blow your head off. I was always used to the green ones at the grocery store, which kind of suck, but the ripe ones were like candy.

Then again, I could be dead wrong!