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Who has the guts to eat this entire pod?

So I was at the local grocery store picking up some salsa fixings when I spotted these Poblano's. I never buy them, so I don't really have a reference point, but I was shocked how big they were. Do other areas get them this big? Are these even big? The big one is 8 1/4 by 4 1/2 by 2 1/2 inches. If we get them this big here, I wonder how big they are in premium markets like NY or LA. Ok Ed or Lazy are you ready to spend 15 minutes chewing up this whole pod? Hahahaha


I have never seen them any where near that large at my local stores. If anything they are about a quarter of that size.
Nice poblano despite it's size I don't think it would be hard to eat. Poblanos are pretty weak heat wise.
Nice poblano despite it's size I don't think it would be hard to eat. Poblanos are pretty weak heat wise.

Hahaha Yea. The challenge I was referring to was in reference to the amount of time it would take to chomp up the entire pod. I think I would fall asleep before I could finish chewing it all up in one sitting.
I've seen that size at a farmers' market, but never at the grocery store. Agree with SS - let us know if you go for it!
Holy crap those are the smallest hands I have ever seen! HAHA JK. Yeah I would make some chile relleno or stuff those babies for sure. I stuff mine with rice, chicken, spices and lots of cheese YUM! I really cant believe how big those are.
I see there are several varieties of anchos that average 5-7" long - could be one of those, on steroids....
They are Poblanos when fresh, anchos when dry :)
That's an impressive pod but it would only take some relleno stuffing and I'd finish it no problem. Its probably a larger hybrid type
I came to love Pablano from my Detroit days.

I get them here in Austin TX and they are good and surprisingly very hot too!!

But this one is a monsta Pablano. Would love to lay my hands on this number. :dance:
You know how you're suppose to get so many servings of vegetables a day? Just eat one pablano and call it good.