seed-plant-vendors Who Is Kaiser . . . Sterling

For those of you with issues with Kaiser Seeds & Pepper Company:

I exchanged emails with Sterling's SO Shawna tonight on Facebook. She said that due to circumstances beyond their control, some orders were not timely filled and some payments were not timely made, but that anyone with issues could email her and that you would get a response. She also said that anyone with unfilled orders has received a refund. I hope it is true. Sterling's forum privileges have been suspended, so his website, Shawna's email or his Facebook page is probably the best way to get in touch with him.

Sterling and I started our budding chile businesses at about the same time, and his passion for spreading the heat seemed genuine. I hope he wasn't about fleecing folks and that other things just got in the way. Let me know if that isn't true.
I told her people here will give her a fair shake. What say you all? I personally think she deserves that. If I am wrong than so be it, but Idon't think so and its not fair to hold what he did against her.
She already did.

Shawna already told her story in another thread here, which may be how/why this OP shared the info in the first post.

If a person is interested, they can probably find it using the search function. I think it was in the Houston Hot Sauce Festival thread.
She told it in a few posts where he was mentioned, here is one:

The posting of the personal info above is appropriate since this person has allegedly cheated many people out of money, however, there are two sides to every story (or three as they say) so let's not turn this into a bash or misuse the information. It is there if you wish to try to settle your dispute.

Carry on.
This may be as good of a place as any for me to weigh in on this. I have been talking to Shawna, Sterling's ex, and she is kind of in a bad place because of him. She has a legit business and is not doing well because of Sterling. He did a lot of bad things to a lot of people, but none more so than her. She wants to move forward on her own without him and is meeting a lot fo bad pub because of him. I told her to come on here and tell her story and she is hesitant because a lot of people equal her to Sterling. I told her people here will give her a fair shake. What say you all? I personally think she deserves that. If I am wrong than so be it, but Idon't think so and its not fair to hold what he did against her.

I totally agree....And by the way, anything my company can do to help her, please let me personally know as I'd be glad to help.

First name: Sterling
Last name: Kaiser
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Country: United States
Zip/Postal code:
Phone: 2103718254
Subject: Hello
Hey Mark, Sterling here from Kaiser Seeds and Pepper Co. I just happened to move back to San Antonio from Houston, and now that I am in the area wanted to know if you have a storefront. I couldnt remember if you did. I know youre off of blanco, or were, but wasnt sure if it is a warehouse, or just a mailing address or something. Also, wanted to see if you might have a position available with your company, or know of someone in the area who dabbles in our line of "hot" work. Hopefully this next feb or march, I am looking at throwing a San Antonio Hot Luck and was going to see if you would be interested in joining in on that. Anyways, looking forward to hearing from ya. I included my number in the contact info and my email so give me a shout anytime. Talk to ya later, Sterling

The phone number he listed is his mother's phone number. Also, I have a friend that works Downtown here in Houston that told me Sterling is working at a restaurant Downtown so he is not in San Antonio. I'm working on find out what restaurant so he can be served pepers for the civil case I started against him. I will keep you all updated.
The phone number he listed is his mother's phone number. Also, I have a friend that works Downtown here in Houston that told me Sterling is working at a restaurant Downtown so he is not in San Antonio. I'm working on find out what restaurant so he can be served pepers for the civil case I started against him. I will keep you all updated.

Also thank you all for your support. I'm am slowly climbing out of a mound of debt I did not know I had. Moving on and rebuilding a life is taken one day at a time. If Sterling is smart, he will stay hidden and off the grid. I'm taking him to civil court and have pressed criminal charges against him for everything he stole. We will see how this progresses.
Hang in there, you're doing all the right things. It sounds like things are going your way, and things are looking up for you! Very happy for you, keep on keepin on!
It was very cool seeing you on that show.