Who lives, who dies?

Anyone with a law degree goes first.

The simplistic answer and the that is most appropriate for most growers is to cull the runts and the ones that took longest to germinate.  But it really depends on what you are doing.  If you are talking new seeds, not saved by you, you might want to grow them all out and see which produce the best pods.

Seed saving decisions really depend on what you are growing for.  A person might cull at seedling state because they want the fastest growing only to find out that the ones that start off slow catch up and outperform others at a later date, might make the best pods, might bla bla bla.  It is all a crap shoot in the beginning.

But yes, if it was just a matter of culling cause you do not have space for everything I would cull the smallest runts.

I once grew two plants in a dwc. One of them was faster to sprout, produce leafs etc. It was generally bigger, but then the small one suddenly started stretching. It overtook the other one in a matter of a few weeks both in size, stem thickness, bushyness and ultimately yield. You can't always tell which ones are gonna be the best... so I grow whatever sprouts these days...