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Whole bunch of questions

Hi everyone, I've got three questions about stuff that concern me about my plants and one of which I need help with identifying a pepper.

Ok onto the problems...

Whats causing the lowest and largest leaves on my Bhut and Habs to start turning yellow along the edges. I do have a slight thrips bug problem which I know can poke holes in the middle and suck juices but could that also cause the yellow edges or can that just be old age of teh leaves?

Next I have a couple habs with what appear to have blackening around the edgest of the leaves. The leaves eventually turn a pale yellow and drop off....the upper leaves are bright and green though. These are mostly the lower leaves but they are not really at soil leve. I'd say they are a good 3" up.

Last one that concerns me is one of my habs has some funky light dark pattern. What the hell could cause that? I dont remember if it was there before I repotted it last night to this larger pot but maybe I just didnt notice.

Ok now I have this pepper but I have no idea what kind it is. I thought it was one of my habs until I saw it fruit. There is no way thats a hab. LOL. Is it some kind of cayenne?

Thanks everyone. I appreciate any help.
Here are the plants as a whole. Maybe I've got them way too crowded into each other? Maybe that increases humidity and makes for more probs...not sure.

The top three pics are of the bhut and habs (in the white bucket) which are having the yellowing edges problem on the largest sets of leaves around the bottom. The last picture is of the three or four habs I have that have some of that black spotting along the edge of the leaves. I'm showing the pics of the whole plants incase it helps to see the condition of the rest of the plant vs the bad leaves. Oh by the way, I water when the moisture meter I use shows that its about 1/2 way on the scale or a bit lower....when the whole thing (12" of it) is plundged into the soil. I want to make sure the bottom is not soaked. The top portion of the soil is generally on the dry side. I fertilize every time I water with schultz liquid plant food. I think its like 7 drops per liter.




Yahoo, I get to be first to answer your questions, bet there will be scores of others right behind me.

Your yellowing is classic over fertilizing and you may not even know you are doing it. Many soil types contain slow release fertilizer.... the problem... you don't really know when the fertilizer will be released. Addon the fact that you probably already give them a little boost of love juice and voila... over fertilizing. Check the burn marks on the leaf, classic fertilizer burn.

I have a Suryanki Cluster that I put into a self watering container and almost every leaf is yellow and burnt, it has pods but again all the leaves sprouted that lovely yellow appearance; my next step is to put it into a container with proper flushing capabilities to flush out whatever fertilizer is in the soil.

Blackening, fertilizer again, different plants show over fertilizing in different ways. I could photograph my plants and show you several variations.

The pepper pointing up is a Capsicum Annuum of some sort, not ceyanne as they point down. Many types point up, tobasco as an example, super chili, goats weed point up but that is not a goats weed or suryanki maybe some sort of thai.
Awesome response. Very helpful and thanks :) Ok so maybe I'll hold off on adding any more fertlizers and just use water for now. They are starting to fruit as well. I assume that it will go through nutrients a bit faster if its fruiting or is that not really the case?

As for that last pepper. Hmmm. I do remember handling some Thai seeds but I didnt think I planted any. Maybe I mistakenly planted a couple of them instead of Something else. Its going to be a guessing game at my place until a month from now I guess :)

Burning Colon said:
Yahoo, I get to be first to answer your questions, bet there will be scores of others right behind me.

Your yellowing is classic over fertilizing and you may not even know you are doing it. Many soil types contain slow release fertilizer.... the problem... you don't really know when the fertilizer will be released. Addon the fact that you probably already give them a little boost of love juice and voila... over fertilizing. Check the burn marks on the leaf, classic fertilizer burn.

I have a Suryanki Cluster that I put into a self watering container and almost every leaf is yellow and burnt, it has pods but again all the leaves sprouted that lovely yellow appearance; my next step is to put it into a container with proper flushing capabilities to flush out whatever fertilizer is in the soil.

Blackening, fertilizer again, different plants show over fertilizing in different ways. I could photograph my plants and show you several variations.

The pepper pointing up is a Capsicum Annuum of some sort, not ceyanne as they point down. Many types point up, tobasco as an example, super chili, goats weed point up but that is not a goats weed or suryanki maybe some sort of thai.
Fruiting or budding(flowering) ..... big difference, pinch the new buds until at least until June, the buds may likely fall off anyways and if they do don't be alarmed, they stem will go yellow then drop, the plant is just not ready to deliver its real fruit. could be a combination of things. My overwintered habanero has buds the size of pinheads, so I am just pinching them off.
I've actually got about 4-5 Bhuts growing on the bhut plant (one getting big and the others are small but growing daily). I've got about 7-8 habs growing on the other plant. Here and there the other plants have a fruit or two starting as well. I've read mixed things about pinching them off so I figured I'd let nature take its course :)

Burning Colon said:
Fruiting or budding(flowering) ..... big difference, pinch the new buds until at least until June, the buds may likely fall off anyways and if they do don't be alarmed, they stem will go yellow then drop, the plant is just not ready to deliver its real fruit. could be a combination of things. My overwintered habanero has buds the size of pinheads, so I am just pinching them off.
If they have fruit them let them be, but if the flowers are small and weak pinch them off, I have the same fear with my hab type plants as I want every flower to be a fruit but to be realistic not every bud will turn into a fruit. You still have a full summer of growing and our sun is just getting to the point of delivering its full spectrum and days are getting longer. At least you can put your plants out at the end of june and not worry about them until September, everyday for me is a challenge... if I put them out in the morning will a surprise hail/snow strom decide to visit....yes.... even in july and august... we call those months hail season.
Your leaf damage does not look like thrip damage, maybe flea beetles or something similar but not thrips. Have you been using any epsom salt on these? They like to have plenty of magnesium and calcium.
Hmmm I should google flea beetles. I do know I have some thrips as well because i took a picture of a few...and I had the silver or coppery looking effect on the underside of some leaves. Damn why dont these pests just just go away. LOL. I wish I had a big button that said "bad bug nuke"

Matt Berry said:
Your leaf damage does not look like thrip damage, maybe flea beetles or something similar but not thrips. Have you been using any epsom salt on these? They like to have plenty of magnesium and calcium.
We're working together on those leaf spots. I've got exactly the same problem. Last year I had bacterial leaf spot and I'm pretty sure that's not it. I've seen some similar pictures of Cercospora leaf spot so I'm a bit nervous. Mine are outside and I'd say about 15% of the plants have some spots on their lower leaves. Do you ever spray your leaves? I'm hoping its just a burn mark from some spray or water. Good luck and keep a close eye on it. If it is a disease it will spread very fast. My new motto is "if in doubt, throw it out".
Here's a bit of info on Cercospora:

I also saw somewhere that nitrogen deficiency could be a factor. I've been very light on the N, trying to keep them compact. The timing of the lawn sprinklers (midnight) is also a problem, but I don't have any control over that since I rent. Were your plants always inside? Humidity pretty low?
My Jalapeno and habanero leaves have holes in them and are falling off???? HELP!!!

I put 9 jalapeno and 6 habanero seedlings in the bed 1 week ago.
I cultivated and checked my soil until a 5.5 ph was read by adding sulphate.
My nitrogen is high and phosphorous and potassium are medium.
They get 8 hrs of sun each day and my drainage is good.
1 plant has completely gotten soft, yellow and fell flat to the surface.
The others are developing holes and breaking sharply at the leaves.
I have 6 tomato plants in the same bed that do not have these problems.
What is wrong with my peppers???
Ya lets fight this damn thing :)

As far as me spraying, I do spray every 3-4 days but I also have an oscillating fan which I turn on right after I mist/spray so that the water will evaporate sooner. Mine are all indoor so I doubt its burn marks but yours might be if its outdoor. I was looking at those pics of the disease and mine dont look like that thank god. I'm definitely sure I've got some insect issue as well as maybe too much fertlizer like the guys were saying. I will back off on the fertlizer for the next 3-4 waterings.

ZanderSpice said:
We're working together on those leaf spots. I've got exactly the same problem. Last year I had bacterial leaf spot and I'm pretty sure that's not it. I've seen some similar pictures of Cercospora leaf spot so I'm a bit nervous. Mine are outside and I'd say about 15% of the plants have some spots on their lower leaves. Do you ever spray your leaves? I'm hoping its just a burn mark from some spray or water. Good luck and keep a close eye on it. If it is a disease it will spread very fast. My new motto is "if in doubt, throw it out".
Here's one of my damaged leaves. Maybe it could be something different, lots of things could land on them outside. Your plants look really nice by the way.
Yawwwwn, sorry, I went to bed and woke up to a snow storm, our fence fell down and I had to rebuild it, but it my usual fashion I rebuilt it with inferior parts, then another snow/wind storm kicked in and blew the shit out of everything. So I had to rebuild everything from scratch while the snow was falling and the wind was blowing.

Its May in Canada, you don't have fleas, you don't have thrips, you don't have fungus, you don't have bacteria, you have tipydoodleidist, a condition where a plant owner tips to much fertilizer into their water then applies it to the plant..... quit fertilizing your plants, and just water them after the plant dries out. No added fertilizer until at least the end of June for you and when you do add fertilizer use an Alaskan fish fertilizer.