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Who's a "man?"

...This is just a rant...
Why do lots of people like to think that if you have a huge tablespoon of hot sauce, or eat a whole super hot, THEN you are a "man?" Now, dont get me wrong, there are AWESOME people that eat these things, on video at least, that do it JUST to experience it once or twice, and then dont do it again. THOSE are the people that do it just to do it. You've got people like "lazinfat," "salsalady and salsakid," and Im sure NO ONE forgets Neil. THAT dude is in a world of his own.
But my point is, why in the HELL do some people think that you are more of a man just because you eat a cup of damn hot sauce? And hell, half of them havent even had anything hotter than a Scotch Bonnet!
This is a half serious, half what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-these-jackasses kind of question for me.
Let the hilarity ensue.....
I dont think your a man until you grow a beard LOL. I just do it for fun. Speaking of I still want to see the video your keeping!!!
Because you are men and therefore suffer from testosterone poisoning. Your cars have to be the coolest, your partner the sexiest, your manhood the biggest and your peppers the hottest!

Woman can be competitive too but men take it to a different level.
i eat the whole pepper to get the effect of the pepper and as a tribute to neil for renewing my interest in chilis. not to be percieved as bad. i hope it doesn't come off that way. i won't drink a whole cup of hot sauce. also ilike to test myself to see what i can take. you guys black naga video is every bit as god as mine if not better because you had 2 different oppinions of the peppes you ate. and put some jokes in there as well. i hope i don't come off as trying to be "bad" because i do this for fun and i'm glad there are others that share the same interest.
I love, love LOVE hot sauce and the taste of fresh hot peppers.

....but I'm not taking more than a small taste of either PLAIN. I mean, is there really any point (beyond the entertainment factor for those watching) in gulping hot sauce or eating whole peppers?

No....not really. ;)
When I was a kid I HAD to prove I was a man by eating the hottest peppers to keep up with my Hispanic friends. It was all about MACHO. If I wasn't macho, I wasn't in the club. Now, I'm just a happy addict riding the Douglah Train.:cool:
Because you are men and therefore suffer from testosterone poisoning. Your cars have to be the coolest, your partner the sexiest, your manhood the biggest and your peppers the hottest!Woman can be competitive too but men take it to a different level.

haha you know men far to well pi. I think that bleash said it the best one time, he said it was my capsaicin addition that made me keep going lol.
I can see DOING it to "be macho." But hell, to "be macho," dont you need to actually TRY the sauce/pepper? Im just saying that its cool if you TRY the sauce/pepper, but why would you NEED to do any MORE than that?! Isnt it about the taste and the experience? What more taste and experience would one get, other than just MORE of it, I guess? Does MORE make it any hotter? Taste any better?
I like the "capsacin addiction" thing! I keep eating this stuff because I LOVE it. And hell, its actually been proven to be healthy for people's bodies. But I LOVE eating these things because I LOVE the taste. Hell, if I hadnt tried all of this stuff, how would I know I HATE habanero's, but LOVE Choc Bhuts? Or how in the HELL would I know to STAY AWAY from extract sauces?! (In general. I know there are supposed to be good extract sauces out there.) I learned these things because I went through the experiences.
Nah Naga...you didnt come off bad at all. You have a great attitude, seriously. Its just the "tools" that think you just HAVE to eat more of whatever it is to prove you are a man. CAN I eat a ton of sauce, or a whole pepper? Hell yeah I can! Hell, I just ate a whole Yellow 7 two nights ago. Did I swallow the WHOLE thing? No. Too many stomach problems. Did I still swallow SOME of it? Yup. Was awesome. Of course it burned on its way out. But thats all part of the fun.
I have an idea for my next sauce. Will HOPEFULLY be Neil's Turkey Slap. Neil and I think that customs may be holding the package. He sent it 3 weeks ago! lol But keep an eye out for that next vid...
Ok, fine...."the video" will posted soon. Just keep in mind, all of you that will watch it...there is a LOT of cursing, and a VERY bad opinion of the sauce.
like the "capsacin addiction" thing!.

Yeah I have been thinking of adding it as a signature, you know the originally posted by bleash and then the qoute. Havent figured out the code to do that yet. Havent spent the time on it.

Ok, fine...."the video" will posted soon. Just keep in mind, all of you that will watch it...there is a LOT of cursing, and a VERY bad opinion of the sauce.

hahahahhaa I cant believe it great!! I sure wish your entire ordeal was recorded lol.
Its not so much that it makes you more of a man. Its makies you more of a masochist!!!LOL Some people have different perceptions of heat and some just have a built up tolerance. If you have a good endorphine rush and can fight off the urge to dance or run to the nearest fire station, its easier to do a whole thing. Ill normally try a piece first myself for taste and heat measuring. I messed up with that yellow of mine. I had no idea was was to ensue after that. It was intense. I do it myself for the experience and the adrenaline rush. The "Chile High" Its an addiction like anything else. There are a minimal amount of meals I dont eat hot. But Im also originally from new orleans and was raised with heat in my diet. I will say this though. Grandpas have always said to eat hot peppers. Itll put hair on your chest... Itll make you a man.... At least mine did. And then told me a habanero was a jalapeno that was a baby. First superhot for me. At least at 7 years old, a habanero is a superhot!

I also do it as a tribute to those who do it the same. I think that tasting them for use in whatever culinary use you so choose to have in mind is just as good. Eating a whole one is just an experience. Pieces of them are a good idea of what is to come, but a whole one is exactly that. Its the full efficacy of the pepper. Every bit of capsaicin in it along with the flavor involved and all that good stuff. Sorry if this is redundant. But Im one of those guys that "doesnt just want a piece of pie" I want the whole thing. Now, that being said. Its normally a one time thing. After the whole one is down, its been conquered, evaluated, and on to the next one it is. After that, its used here and there in the kitchen and on occasion a whole one sometimes to get somebody else involved.

I love when somebody is like, I wont do it unless you do it. Wrong choice of words if you think thatll get you out of it. Cause Ill enjoy it and subject you to it as well. Double enjoyment!!
And THATS what Im talking about Sterling! See, just someone that is trying to experience the pepper/sauce, and goes on. It doesnt matter HOW much you taste of either, just as long as YOU get what YOU want out of it. When the hell are people gonna realize this is JUST PEPPERS?! lol Why is there a big need to prove whom is what? Grow, pick, eat, enjoy!!
To me it's just fun and to see how hot these little suckers are. I always put them in my food when I get a chance. I've always liked hot/spicy food, now I'm taking it up a notch or two. To each their own. Anybody what to do some canyons?
I started out this year tasting the fresh peppers to see what they actually TASTE like so I can decide which ones to grow next year for making sauces. And it has been very informative, for sure. We started doing the video thing, because we'd seen others do it, and since both Salsakid and I have a touch of theatrics in us, it was a no-brainer. Or maybe we had no brains to even try eating hot peppers :crazy: ...anyway...

To be honest, there's a little competitiveness in it for me also. I grew up with only boys to play with in the neighborhood, and I won as many races, etc, as the boys, got into dirt clod fights, and more recently became a journeyman electrician, one of a few in a male-dominated industry.

So yea, part of it is to show all those Macho Dudes that a Chick can do it too.

As new peppers come along, I'm actually looking forward to what they will taste like. And I think the video logs will help in the future if I can't remember if we like a certain one or not.

And as far as eating the whole thing...Sometimes I'll eat the whole thing if it's a small pepper and sometimes we cut it in half. This may be a little TMI, but if I try to eat a piece of food that is too big, I start to gag, which is what has happened in a couple of the videos. It's just a physical reaction that I can't help, not because of the peppers. Or at least until the peppers hit the stomach, then all bets are off. LOL.

Speaking of which, I think we have a couple more to do today.
Because you are men and therefore suffer from testosterone poisoning. Your cars have to be the coolest, your partner the sexiest, your manhood the biggest and your peppers the hottest!

Woman can be competitive too but men take it to a different level.
Pie has it in the bag. We do it because we are blokes and showing off to prove we are men is what we do!

The truth is, I quite enjoy a good burn and it doesn't matter if anyone is around to see me endure it or not.... I'm still going to do it! But on the occasions when people are around, I would be lying if I claimed that I was not - at least to some degree - showing off.

There's this bloke at work, pours Tabasco over everything and lets everyone know too. There's no doubt he is showing off. But here I am just waiting for the right opportunity (i.e. when enough people are around to see my victory) and I'll show this guy what hot really is! And for what reason? None other than because I am a big manly man! :grrrrrrr:
If he wants to show off he has to do better than Tabasco. Spike it with Blair's, that'll teach him!
I have half a bottle of Blair's Megadeath here too. Horrible stuff :sick: and I've been wondering what I can do with it...... ;)

Of course, showing him up with Blair's means that I will have to consume it again myself. The things we do to prove we are men!! :lol:
Here is my two bobs worth,

I got into it from accidental coming across Neils Videos, I started chatting to him and he emailed me quite a few times and explained why he does it and the pleasure it gives him and that it becomes an addiction. I was sold and became a little obsessed with growing, learning and meeting people like all of you who have the passion too.

If you look at my vids I have no shame in saying I am too scared to do this or to scared to eat that and I am not as hardcore as the others. My wife mentions I actually look like a sissy in the last vid I did but I put it up anyway.

I also have no shame in crying like a little baby on a video if I can't handle it. It is all about having some fun "it's a fine line between Pleasure & Pain" but it is addictive too. If I do oyu can be sure to see my wife standing over me laughing and mocking me but hey thats why I love her "suck it up joey ya big pussy" I can hear it already :rofl:

Have fun and enjoy it I say, just don't expect sympathy from anybody if it all goes wrong.

Ironically, Hot Pooper, you calling these "men" on showing off could be taken as you proving you are a man by what your perception of a man is. You are challenging them, are you not? ;)