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Why do cayennes not look intimidating?


Superhot eaters aside... ive never ate a cayenne. Waiting on mine to go red however i find serranos and jalaps pretty spicy. Cayennes ust dont look intimidating
its their shape, you used to seeing these rounded wrinkly bumpie pepper superhots. then you look at a long slim pepper wont look so scary imo
Cayenne might be the 3rd most popular in americanized-foreign cuisine after green bell and jalapeno, you have probably eaten them in prepared food... even chili powder typically contains cayenne or a near relative. Since they are thin walled, they aren't as enjoyable to eat raw from a texture perspective nor grilled or smoked, but in soups, on pizza, pretty good flavor without enough heat to keep you from reaching for your favorite hot sauce... but hotter than serrano, usually.

One nice thing is they are faster to sprout and produce ripe fruit than many others.
yeah they dont look very scary, but there are a few species that will trick you

they look like other cayenne's but there some of the hottest cayenne's you can get

im talking about


these bad boys can be blistering and tasty too and great for making sauce

oh most cayenne's are hotter than Serrano or jals so i would say they will surprise you some, also i find cayenne's seem to have a different burn than Serranos or Jals (imho)

thanks your friend Joe
Yeah i noticed serranos and jalaps have like a spicy burn to em where as habs have like just plain heat burn.
just different levels of different capsaicinoids affecting different places in ur mouth different ways, but so as u know jalapenos range from100-8,000 scoville, serranos from8-14k, cayennes usually range from 35-50k just to give u a comparison, i love the supers and use my super powders on all sorts of things but i am still growing several types of cayenne this year, they all have great flavor for powder wing sauce whatever, even blueberry cayenne maple syrup, which sounds weird i know, but ive been doing it for years awesome w/ buttermilk pancakes and some nice hickory smoked sausage! :dance:
You know, I actually enjoy a few green ones before they turn red. The ones I have have are above Serrrano level heat too. I like them raw just like japs on cheese and crackers.
I like to snack on them while walking through the garden and picking the supers. I like the taste of them fresh, every once in a while one will suprise me and send me running into the house for a drink.
Serranos will go higher than 14k. I like Cayenne simply for the flavor. They are much like a Jimmy Nardello sweet pepper. They are thin skinned and eating them raw I generally end up chasing pieces of pepper around in my mouth. If I saute them, the flavor just intensifies and they make some of the best quesadillas. Dried and ground into a powder is probably how most people use them, as they are in just about every cajin spice/mix out there.They flavor up breadcrumbs for fish really well too.
I just ate my first ripe yellow cayenne, I too was fooled by the gentle exterior. turned out to pack quite a punch. I'm sure you will develop a healthy respect for them once you eat a ripe one.
Why can't you appreciate all peppers? A VW Beetle doesn't look like a Ferrari.
There are quite a few different types of cayennes, and as other posters have already said there are a couple out there that will fool you. Cayennes are my favourite pepper to grow because they tend to throw out loads of pods, and when they ripen it is a sea of red. They are also extremely healthy. Plus I prefer cayenne heat over hab heat because it just tastes better to me. Different strokes for different folks, of course.
I really like the taste of habs, but this was after I had built up a tolerance to the heat to notice and appreciate it. Even the smell when I open a bag of frozen habs from the freezer... Mmmm. Frozen cayennes just smell like freezer to me.
I have one cayenne in a container and I think it is pretty scary looking-definitely my largest and most prolific plant so far.
Why don't Beetles loo intimidating, Ferraris do? Silly question. Because there are many types of peppers.