seeds why does some seeds looks "bad"?

Hi, why does some seeds have a black edge or the hole seed (one or more) can be brown. This is from my Habanero Hot Lemon and 2-3 seeds was like this. Is something wrong?
Not sure how accurate this is, but I heard/read somewhere that overwatering can cause this.
I believe it also happens to the immature seeds. cut an unripe bell pepper for instance and leave it open to the air. the mature seeds will remain unchanged while the immature seeds will brown up like the ones in you picture.
I would guess that it is the phenolic compounds getting oxidised that turns it brown. As seeds change their chemical composition as they mature, it could well be that the immature seeds are higher in these phenolics than the mature seed or else the cells surrounding the seed are more fragile therefore they release these phenolics more easily, I am not sure.
Did the pods get damaged in any way that could expose the insides to the air or did they just brown once cut?
Yes, I have been wondering about that myself. It seems all my 7pot Whites and all my Yellow Brainstrains have had brownish seeds in them. The pods appear to be ripe and ready. Not sure if the seeds are any good but I dried them just the same. 
This was my pod nr 2 that was ripe on this Habanero Hot Lemon plant. I cut it open to use it and then i see that there was 2 seeds with this brown/black edge. All other seeds in that pod was looking fine. I also open a ripe Tobago that has been ripe for 4 days and in that all seeds was brown, the hole seed not only the edge. I used another Tobago on same plant that was ripe but not so dark red and in that all seeds was fine. None of the pods did have any signs of damage. Is it ok to eat them? i know its a studpid question since many chili i buy in the store have more "bad" seeds than my chili :-)
It could be a watering problem, i havent got the watering in any system yet. The plants are in 20L (5gal) pots and maybe 40-50cm high (15-20"). I wait to the plant show signs that they need water. Someone said that i could stick a wooden stick down in the pot and see if there is some soil on it to see if it need water, but the only time soil is sticking to the woodn stick is when i have given them water and the next 6 hour. In the last i have given the most of the plants 1L  (1/4 gal) water every other day, thats how much water i have to give them before its starts to drip out of the bottom of the pot.