So I wanted to do an economical assessment of whether a grow light system of 600w makes sense. To do this I will compare the price of this system (in Watts) to owning 3 1/4'' double pane windows.
The grow light system ideally will burn 600w of power and also emit 65% of that power consumption back into the room as heat. Thus you will need to run 600w of lights and cool 390 watts with your AC unit. Which totals to 990 watts of power.
Grow Light Consumption: 990 Watts
Now I own three windows in my one bedroom apartment. The area in square meters is (3.16, 3.52, and 2.08 m^2) (70""x70"", 70"x79", 46"x70"). These windows are 1/4" double pane, standard apartment windows. We can calculate the AC load in watts by thermal diffusion through ONLY the 3 windows (there will be more losses through the walls and ceiling!).
Thermal Diffusion can be calculated via the following formula...
Req values for my three windows are (0.02494, 0.02238, 0.03795) degC/W.
On a summer day if it is 95 degF outside and my AC cools my house to 78 degF I will consume the following watts by cooling my apartment.
Wattage = (35 - 25.55) { 1/0.02492 + 1/0.02238 + 1/0.03795 } = (35-25.55) * 111.16 = 1049.5 Watts (I am using Excel to avoid rounding error)
Window System Wattage: 1050 Watts
If it is 95degF outside for 8 hours (I LIVE IN TEXAS WHERE IT CAN GET TO 105 DEGF!) I will consume 8.4 kWh per day which comes out to be 8.4 kWh * 0.12 $ / kWh = $1.008 per day or $30.22 per month
Having windows is more expensive than a 600W HPS . TIME TO PARTY!
P.S if you run your HPS in the winter that extra heat is going to heat your apartment so it only costs 600W to run.
Everyone on the forum GO BUY A HPS LIGHT!
kglass= 0.96 W/m/degC
kair =0.024 W/m/degC
The grow light system ideally will burn 600w of power and also emit 65% of that power consumption back into the room as heat. Thus you will need to run 600w of lights and cool 390 watts with your AC unit. Which totals to 990 watts of power.
Grow Light Consumption: 990 Watts
Now I own three windows in my one bedroom apartment. The area in square meters is (3.16, 3.52, and 2.08 m^2) (70""x70"", 70"x79", 46"x70"). These windows are 1/4" double pane, standard apartment windows. We can calculate the AC load in watts by thermal diffusion through ONLY the 3 windows (there will be more losses through the walls and ceiling!).
Thermal Diffusion can be calculated via the following formula...
Q (Watts) = (Thigh - Tlow)/Req
Where Req is the equivalent thermal resistance of the window. It is calculated via the following formula... (this assumes two glass layers are surrounding one air layer).Req = 2*Lglass/(kglass * Awindow) + Lair/(kair * Awindow)
Typical apartment windows use 2.2mm thick glass layers surrounding 1.8mm of air which should equal 1/4 inch thick windows (2.2x2 + 1.8) mm = 6.2 mm or 1/4".Req values for my three windows are (0.02494, 0.02238, 0.03795) degC/W.
On a summer day if it is 95 degF outside and my AC cools my house to 78 degF I will consume the following watts by cooling my apartment.
Wattage = (35 - 25.55) { 1/0.02492 + 1/0.02238 + 1/0.03795 } = (35-25.55) * 111.16 = 1049.5 Watts (I am using Excel to avoid rounding error)
Window System Wattage: 1050 Watts
If it is 95degF outside for 8 hours (I LIVE IN TEXAS WHERE IT CAN GET TO 105 DEGF!) I will consume 8.4 kWh per day which comes out to be 8.4 kWh * 0.12 $ / kWh = $1.008 per day or $30.22 per month
Having windows is more expensive than a 600W HPS . TIME TO PARTY!
P.S if you run your HPS in the winter that extra heat is going to heat your apartment so it only costs 600W to run.
Everyone on the forum GO BUY A HPS LIGHT!
kglass= 0.96 W/m/degC
kair =0.024 W/m/degC