why purple?

is it normal for a seedling to be almost fully purple or is it just the type of pepper it is?
here is a Maldivian Heart x Purple Bhut and there in the same peat pellet and the same seeds, i won a giveaway from cmpman1974 and im not sure if there stable.
Both. I split multiple sprouts from the same pellet into different pots. Some would call that "crazy" but I've never killed a seedling doing it. *shrugs* :)
^this. Especially if its just a tap root. If you are afraid of hurting your prized plants, throw like 6 jalapeno seeds or something in a pellet and try it. No harm in practice
If you pot them up in a big pot or better yet the ground later on, they should do just fine side by side. I'm growing two 7pod hybrids side by side. Only seedligs at the moment so should be interesting to watch.
I seperated 4 habaneros from one pellet once. Took a while, but I ran them under the sink for 5 mins and then untangled most of the roots. I only  had to cut three. And damaging the roots doesn't cause stunted growth, I had one of the habs loose all of its roots, grew to the same size as the rest of them. (1.5 feet tall, but only because I have them in tiny pots to save room, if I put them in bigger pots they would grow again.) If you do have to kill one, keep the purple because I wanna see how that turns out