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why superhots??

Just wondering why everyone one grows so many superhots? Some people are only growing these. All I mainly see in the market place is superhots and the sell really well too. These seem to be all everyone wants. Why?? For those who grow these what do you do with them?? Surely you can't eat them all? Or cook with them for mere mortals? Why grow so many superhots? :confused: One plant should be enough to make enough pepper spray to kill you.
Well I personally grow them because I like eating them. some are just in because of the hype or because they think they're "cool".
Some of them taste incredible. The adrenaline rush when eating them. I love hot food. There is a little bit of the "cool" factor in it for me, as well.
You don't have to eat them fresh to enjoy them. I use most of my super-hots in powder form where you can add just as much heat as you want. Cooking with them or making sauces also dilutes the heat.
Well I personally grow them because I like eating them. some are just in because of the hype or because they think they're "cool".

dont you think you are cool? :rolleyes:
come on...be honest! :evil:

Ohhh, sorry man, i forgot. you are Hot and not cool. i am sorry Master Pepper :lol:

Omri you of all people should know the rule. Where is this alleged cool and hot Omri pic?
Cool and hot:

Even cooler...
Allow me to expand on the idea of making powders and flakes out of superhots. For me, if I did it with non-superhots, I would have to put a ton of it on my food to get the heat to where I like. With superhots, you can make the powder/flakes last a lot longer because you don't need as much.

The same applies for sauces. A lot of us just REALLY like our food to be hot.
I just happen to like them. In the end, I give away more than I've eaten but i do at least taste them. What I'd like to do is make some sauces with themand that's the main reason I grow so many.
Just wondering why everyone one grows so many superhots? Some people are only growing these. All I mainly see in the market place is superhots and the sell really well too. These seem to be all everyone wants.
It bums me too that sometimes it seems like superhots are all everyone is interested in, but each to their own, I guess! ;)

Personally I appreciate ALL chillies--from the mildest to the hottest, from wild to domesticated--I want to know about them and try them all! :D
One of my all time favs is the Thai Fire peppers I grew which I have since found out are just a thai sun pepper that grow in bunches like a bouquet.

And of course my Jimmy Nardellos, which are a sweet
well, why i grow superhots?

it´s strange but i have the feeling that my mouth isn´t sensitive enough as it was in former days. i got used to hot stuff and now i want it hotter and hotter. and such strains appearing every now and then claiming to be the most pungent ones would save my day :hell:
I'll be growing alot of supers next year. Only supers actually. I've grown red/brown/orange habs, jalapenos, serranos, fataliis, super chiles, etc in all the years past. For me It's something new to grow, eat, dry and yes, the cool factor :cool:

Something about growing a pepper plant that produces bumpy, lava look-a-like textured pods, in many different shapes colors and sizes, AND is punchin in between 600,000-1,400,000shu's seems pretty cool to me lol. :)

Another thing, The "rare" factor. Hell, I'd say 99.99 percent of the population hasn't ever seen a fresh bhut jolokia, let alone heard of a primo, or a 7pod brain strain. At any given spring day any of us could go to any of the local nurseries and find loads of jalapeno, habanero, and bell peppers starts. All of which you can buy fresh at the supermarket any time of year.
My 2cents anyway