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Why waste capsaicin?

Wondering if you are more into scat or golden showers type stuff than into peppers.
Maybe looking for a new thrill?
Maybe fill your rubber suit with Peppers (super hots) before you zip it up and take a dump inside before Mistress/master ? gets you going?
Are you sure you on the right site?
All I've seen from you're posts suggest you are trying to figure out a way to-as you say-recycle poop.
I think,since seeds don't get digested,they can burn on the way out.
I NEVER ate a seedless super and got any burn,in 20+ yrs.
Yup I got cramps 1 time from eating supers in too large a dose.
But even then it was a powder-no seeds-no butt burn or?
Are you sure it's your dream about peppers or your Master/Mistresses dream?
You just like it to hurt so good?
Just my opinion,just wondering about your posts so far.
Looking for a new thrill to make your master or you happy?
What do you grow?
I think nothing.
You just need info about peppers as a way to find out the best way to cause you pain.
Try growing out supers and using them to meet your likes.
D3monic said:
as far as I know it's an oil so just leave it in the toilet for a few days to break down and use a spoon to scoop the oil droplets off the surface. They you can boil it and use in a hotsauce. Good stuff. Call it Recycled ring stinger. 
Heat the water to help to break down, and later cool the water to solidify the oil.
Other idea for you THD to study - is any capsaicin released when you eat hot peppers and later fart? Would be another source for your recycling.
Another one - open a public toilet company, for chile heads, to collect big capsaicin.
Oh, man, I can't believe I'm in this shit poop!
Helvete said:
well...to be the devil's advocate....they say that collectively we poop out millions of dollars worth of platinum, gold, and silver every year.
no joke, studies are ongoing as to how to recover these metals from incinerated sludge.
trying to economically recover phosphate from effluent too... though this requires fairly onerous design changes to accommodate.
regarding extracting capsacin from old shit logs... impossible on any practical level.
its a carboxycylic acid. it would be destroyed readily from the typical organic decomposition.  research biochemical oxidation.
you would have to freeze the shit logs, then perform a series of extractions then explain why you have a milk crate of shit logs frozen somewhere in your house.
this thread is stupid as fuck.  
queequeg152 said:
no joke, studies are ongoing as to how to recover these metals from incinerated sludge.
trying to economically recover phosphate from effluent too... though this requires fairly onerous design changes to accommodate.
regarding extracting capsacin from old shit logs... impossible on any practical level.
its a carboxycylic acid. it would be destroyed readily from the typical organic decomposition.  research biochemical oxidation.
you would have to freeze the shit logs, then perform a series of extractions then explain why you have a milk crate of shit logs frozen somewhere in your house.
this thread is stupid as f**k.  
I... I don't even know what to say about this thread. I'm speechless.

If this ever becomes a thing, I'll never buy another bottle of anything that might be made with it. Of that I am certain.
You have to consider the market...

In America we put up signs when we use reclaimed water on the lawn warning people so they don't get this clean water on their shoes.... Frequently there are fences also...

If we freak out about getting reclaimed water on our shoes, how do you think we're going to respond to the request to put something like that in our mouths?

Not going to happen.
To me, like to most, this thread doesn't look very serious. So OP don't be offended by us. To accomplish your idea, you need good chemical engineer , good funding and market plan, where to use recycled capsaicin.
jsschrstrcks said:
You have to consider the market...

In America we put up signs when we use reclaimed water on the lawn warning people so they don't get this clean water on their shoes.... Frequently there are fences also...

If we freak out about getting reclaimed water on our shoes, how do you think we're going to respond to the request to put something like that in our mouths?

Not going to happen.
He should aim to make pepper spray - then you can list among the good sides- "Our Poop-spray™ is made from recycled pepper poop, you should show the label  for the atacker to gross him out"
this is a troll/humor thread clearly. i only bothered to bump it because there are actually alot of interesting things being done with waste water... hence my reply to helvetica.
i attended an environmental engineering guest speaking lecture that was basically 2 hours of  hemming and hawing about why we should try to recover phosphate but we really shouldn't because it costs too much.
You can actually still join the flat earth society... just putting that out there. I've come close on a couple occasions to joining just for the fun of it. Ern I mean the EARTH IS FLAT. Get with the program. jeeze.
you oblivious ovine peasant Illuminati shill.
the earth is flat because smoke rises.
OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE. NASA is a cover organization established by the national baseball league to funnel money to minority little league teams and thereby produce superior baseball players.
Since the earth is flat the capsaicin poop will never roll off. We are not wasting capsaicin! Yay us!