chinense Wicked Mikes Peach Ghost

Jase4224 said:
Definitely an awesome variety, Im keeping last years plant and would have had more this season had my heat mat not died! Any superhot peach I have had taste amazing and are hot AF
I'm with you there. I love peach varieties! Peach, Orange, and Caramel are my favorites. I just want to eat three of them, you know, without heat for a couple minutes...then the heat can kick in. I kinda wanna enjoy the flavor longer before meltdown . Lol

But yes, Peach Bhut WM is an awesome variety. The stink bugs like them as well. Lol. Here are some of mine from last year. I'm growing it again this year, but I can't find any pics.
wrinklenuts said:
Im also growing jays peach ghost scorpions and they taste very similar to me. They are both just awesome!
I was gonna ask how the WM compared to the JPGS... Been growing the JPGS two years in a row. I really like the pods and i absolutely love the plants. Kinda wanted to grow the WM as well but i don't want too much redundancy...
Bicycle808 said:
I was gonna ask how the WM compared to the JPGS... Been growing the JPGS two years in a row. I really like the pods and i absolutely love the plants. Kinda wanted to grow the WM as well but i don't want too much redundancy...
I grew them both last year and I consider them two totally different plants, flavors, & burns. I'm kinda growing them both again this year. I have a California Reaper that resembles JPGS in just about every way (haven't eaten the Cali reaper), but even the leaf/stem structure is the same. Anyway, Peach Bhut WM are fruity and delicious with no floral and the plant grows like a Bhut. Whereas JPGS is more floral to me, but still good, and the plant has a longer stem on the leaves. IME, JPGS and Peach Bhut WM plants grow a little bit differently. But it could just be me. lol.
I guess I've grown out only 4 JPGS plants... Would've been five, but the one grew from JPGS seed (whp) came up with little red UFO shaped pods.... But, like the JPGS plants i have grown, it had the wavy leaves, long stems, and aggressively big and branchy growth pattern that i like do much. And yeah, plenty of pods, too. I really do think JPGS taste pretty good but i mostly love the plants, tbh.

So I'm stoked to try to WM peach bhuts, just to see if they taste better. I'll still probably grow some JPGS every year forever... But u already like to try new stuff.

Thanks for the insight!