Wicked Missus to THP: Sup

Wicked Missus said:
Aight. I figured Wicked Mike was talking enough smack about me on THP, and I had to come on here myself. So, hi Pepper Nerds! I am one of you! Well, I live with one of you, anyway, and he's a doozy  :crazy:  So that makes me a Pepper Nerd by the transitive property of THP. And that's just Science.  :clap:  
Awesome! Another couple here.
Because, hhwiskey!
Wicked Mike said:
Growlist? The missus? Surely, you jest.
I'll be setting up my own glog soon, assuming I get the time. 
A THP member without a growing list??? Is just like a president without a country! Outrageous..... Oh, what a sad day for our community.... :rofl: