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Wife Said I Have a Small Pepper :(

Specifically, my BB7s - all tiny. I thought they'd get bigger but instead they just ripened. Anyone else suffering from tiny pepper syndrome on this variety? I'm gonna move some plants to the greenhouse or inside to see if some pods grow larger ... Need some chili Viagra for this one!
I know, it's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean ... BUT, sometimes a Big Jim can take care of business better than a Pequin.
I've heard of cold shrinkage, but these Bubblegum 7s are ridiculous! Good sized plant too.

Sorry for the blurry pic. I just snapped this and didn't realize the camera was focusing behind - but you get the idea.
Perhaps its in need of some calcium and phosphorus which are needed in increased amounts during flowering and fruit production. Leaves look a bit yellow, so I bet it could benefit from a flowering fert. that is high in calcium and maybe magnesium as well. I had a few plants looking a bit scubby, so I added the fruit and flowering fert from Happy Frog, and now they are pushing out flowers and pods nicely.
miguelovic said:
What the hell Wulf?
Look, I'm a busy man.  I can't be in every thread, all the time.
Every once in a while you guys are gonna have to put on your big boy pants and make disparaging comments about the size of another man's pepper all by yourself.

Should be enough for anybody.
Tell her that if she keeps complaining you'll start gardening other varieties, because these are always in season.
Wulf said:
Look, I'm a busy man.  I can't be in every thread, all the time.
Every once in a while you guys are gonna have to put on your big boy pants and make disparaging comments about the size of another man's pepper all by yourself.
Nobody has your particular flair :D
AaronTT said:
Perhaps its in need of some calcium and phosphorus which are needed in increased amounts during flowering and fruit production. Leaves look a bit yellow, so I bet it could benefit from a flowering fert. that is high in calcium and maybe magnesium as well. I had a few plants looking a bit scubby, so I added the fruit and flowering fert from Happy Frog, and now they are pushing out flowers and pods nicely.
Yeah, the season is quickly winding down here due to pending winter. Most of the plants are starting to look shabby. I might have another week or so before moving the best 20 plants inside the house or greenhouse. I may try the Happy Frog fert on those. But, this is the only plant outta 90 that has the miniature pepper issue (although a few failed to pod at all). I'm wondering if it's just some of the genetic instability showing itself in the 7 Pot Bubblegum.
Aw, count your blessings, Hottoddy, i don't have any BB7s... my ex-girlfriend claims all i've got are a couple of BBs.


You people are awesome. This is the funniest exchange between friends i've witnessed in a year. Hell, a decade.