• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild and Out -2014 Wild Glog

Varieties that are already sowed and ready to go.
cap 215
cap 220
cap 469
cap 499
cap 501
cap 1153
cap 1445
cap 1446
cap 1530
CGN 17020
CGN 19198
CGN 20800
CGN 22869
CGN 24360
CGN 22792
PI 260426
PI 293349
PI 441654
PI 441656
PI 446909446909
PI 594141
PI 633751
PI 639682
Grid 15020
capsicum buforum
capsicum exile
capsicum flexuosum
capsicum galapagoense
capsicum lanceolatum
capsicum parvifolium
capsicum tovarii
Bradley's Bahamian
Chilli Penguin
Peruvian Wild
Sonoran Chiltepin

More to come on the next few weeks. :-)
That is quite a list of wild varieties, I have been meaning to get back to growing the little wild ones that got me started growing and eating hot peppers in the first place, my very first hot pepper was a wild grown Chiltepin in Southern Arizona , my first rare type was a Pratermissum that had unusual large pods for a Praet. Good luck growing them, some can be very hard to germinate.

Wild varieties sowed
I see CGN 17020 in there, I grew this one last year, it was quite nice.  One of my favorite C. frutesens.  It just didn't produce a whole lot for me, I think this species needs more sun than I was able to provide in 2013.