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Wild Brazil

oh my oh my this is my top favorite pepper! i grew 6 plants this year so
i can save you all a ton of money i have a very large pile of seeds for this one and depending on where you are in the world i can send you a dried pod also so you can give them a try

let me know pm me if you wish

thanks would love to help

thanks your friend AJIJOE
Thanks for the offer, Joe. :)

But I really don't mind supporting PepperLover.... after all, with her footing the shipping bill and freebies and all that, she has to keep her business going somehow!
I have a yellow Charapita (it's possibly PI 260498) outside now that looks a lot like the Wild Brazil.

It has a very strong Chinense taste and smell but is mild in heat.

Also I have both a Chacoense and a Chinense that are called Wild Brazil.

One is like the Charapita and the other is like a Pequin.

The Charapita is from seeds from Peru.
sorry i need to read a little more o was at work last night and was very tired

i wasn't trying to elbow my way in here i didn't realize you where promoting someone here

my apologizes

it wasnt about money i just wanted to help i hope i didnt anger anyone if i did im sorry

thanks your friend Joe
I'm new to this serious side of chiledom, but they do look a lot like my favorite, ají charapita, which is a C. chinense (my profile pic). When I was looking through the various catalogs I did see a few similar small, yellow C. chinense from the same geographical area--tropical Peru and Brazil. I would be interested if someone could enlighten me about the differences between them (or say definitively that they are all very much the same).
Thanks for the offer, Joe. :)

But I really don't mind supporting PepperLover.... after all, with her footing the shipping bill and freebies and all that, she has to keep her business going somehow!
no problem
i just didn't want anyone to think i was trying to push my way in here i wasn't

thanks your friend Joe
Do you have any photos of the mild Charapita plant?

I grew a plant last season that I knew by the name of Yellow Fire. I saw mention of the Yellow Fire name in thechileman.org Charapita PI 260498 listing.
here's the pic I just posted of the young charapita I'm growing from seed that I collected from the backyard plant of a lady who was selling juanes from her home in a small river community near Iquitos.

It is tangy, medium-mild in heat. The chiles look like corn kernels in the salsa criolla that's everywhere, but they taste nothing like corn kernels.
Just took the pic.Plant is in a #15 pot.Pods are 1/8th inch round.
Seeds were from Peru.
I have seeds for Yellow fire I haven't grown yet but they look bigger than the ones from this plant.
Might be a different strain or whatever,bigger pods...



Lately the nights have been in the mid 40's and it hasn't hurt the plant so far.
Mites screwed up my garden again so everything is budding or putting out a few pods now.
in trying a orange phase wild brazil this year, i got the pods froma friend and thy where orange

wanna see what comes of it, if there true i will offer them for sale and possibly trade

very intresting

thanks your friend Joe
Just took the pic.Plant is in a #15 pot.Pods are 1/8th inch round.
Seeds were from Peru.
I have seeds for Yellow fire I haven't grown yet but they look bigger than the ones from this plant.
Might be a different strain or whatever,bigger pods...



Lately the nights have been in the mid 40's and it hasn't hurt the plant so far.
Mites screwed up my garden again so everything is budding or putting out a few pods now.

My plant remained compact when grown in full sunlight:

Yellow Fire

The biggest of the few pods I harvested spherical and 7 mm in diameter. I had trouble with potting mix and didn't get the yield I wanted.
Mine was sticks a while back.
I raise more mites than chiles the last couple seasons.
You can see all the open spots where there isn't any leaves anymore.
Mine was sticks a while back.
I raise more mites than chiles the last couple seasons.
You can see all the open spots where there isn't any leaves anymore.
I feel your pain, smokemaster.

The worst part is putting so much time, money and effort into growing only to be defeated time after time after time.... :mad:
Do you think those mites are from all the indoor growing? When I bring my brugmansia's
inside for overwintering they always get spider mites. They go away when I bring them back
outside in summer. Looks like yours never go away. Maybe if you sanitize everything. Have
no pepper plants for a little while. Then start new seedlings in spring and put out as soon
as weather permits. No overwintering. Maybe that would work.
I got rid of everything a while back that was inside and left the shelves empty for a while.
A month latter I had mites hanging from my lights.
They were inside the light housing waiting for new plants to munch on.
Hot shot no pest strips got rid of them for a while at least.
As soon as the last pods ripen outdoors the plants are going away though I haven't seen any out there lately.
Low to mid 40 degree night might have done them in out there until spring.
But it's supposed to be getting up to the high 70's to low 80's next week.

Outside I can somewhat manage them if it's warm enough.I can spray the plants down every day with the hose.
If it's not warm enough I'd kill the plants by over watering if I hosed them down when it's cold outside.

No mites indoors ,at least for a while.
I saw some a week or so ago and got rid of the 2 1/2 - 3 month old pest strip( they are supposed to last up to 4 months) and put a new one put.
Haven't seen a mite indoors since.

Pods are setting on this 7 Pot sr strain now.
No bad bugs so far.


Do you think those mites are from all the indoor growing? When I bring my brugmansia's
inside for overwintering they always get spider mites. They go away when I bring them back
outside in summer. Looks like yours never go away. Maybe if you sanitize everything. Have
no pepper plants for a little while. Then start new seedlings in spring and put out as soon
as weather permits. No overwintering. Maybe that would work.
Brugmansia... aren't those things poisonous as hell? And you bring them inside..?? :shocked: :lol:
Brugmansia... aren't those things poisonous as hell? And you bring them inside..?? :shocked: :lol:

Yep, they are poisonous, and I have castor bean plant. No children in this household, if there
were I wouldn't be growing them. You also have to eat them to be poisonous. I don't plan
on doing that. :doh: