• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild in Las Vegas 2014 (Hardening off and flowers!!)

So now it's time to make another attempt and hope for a better year.

I didn't want to make a glog this year... but I see many already started. That motivates me to make a glog.

2013 was a year for learning and making mistakes and mostly experiments. Needless to say I found and learned a lot and I know this year is gonna rock!

So let's get started with some pics, and I'll update with th list later today and I'll be visiting glogs in a short while ;) and here's to 2014!!! :cheers:

This is my list so far, and I will update if anything changes.

-CAP 539 (C. Annuum) (Judy)

-Calusa Indian Mound (C. Annuum) (Judy)

-Tepin Sonora (C. Annuum) (Mine)

-CAP 501 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-CGN 20510 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-Cobindo-NMDUC (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-CGN 20509 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-CGN 22869, PI 260429 (C. Chacoense) (Judy)

-CGN 20812/PI 159233 (C. Chinense) (Judy)

-CGN 20800 (C. Chinense) (Judy)

-Wild Brazil (C. Chinense) (Shane)

-Quintisho (C. Chinense) (Justecila)

-Cumari do Para (C. Chinense) (Justecila)

-CAP 691 (C. Chinense) (Judy)

-CGN 24360 (C. Chinense) (Judy)

-CGN 24332 (C. Eximium) (Judy)

-CGN 19198 (C. Eximium) (Judy)

- CGN21502 (C. Eximium) (Judy)

-CGN 22792, PI 260478, Aji Chuncho (C. Frutescence) (Judy)

-Chintextle (C. Annuum) (Spicegeist)

-C. Galapagoense (Spicegeist)

-Pionted Praetermissum (C. Praetermissum) (Judy)

-CAP 1144 (C. Praetermissum) (Judy)

-Goat Pepper: CGN 22794: PI 260595 (C. Praetermissum) (Judy)

-BGH 460, PI 441654 (C. Praetermissum) (Judy)

-Cumari pollux (C. Praetermissum) (Spicegeist)


-Tepin x Lemon drop F2 (Mike)

-Tepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore F2 (Spicegeist)

-Cumari pollux x Donne sali F1 (Spicegeist)

-CAP 501 x Donne sali F1 (Spicegeist)

-Bubblegum 7 Pot (Denniz)

-Pink tiger (Enrico Lai)

-Aribibi gusano (Chiliriot (Spain))


Thanks for stopping by :party:
Jeez, Walt, I'm amazed by the varieties you have every time I check in!  You'd think I would remember   :rofl:
Looking at the wild varieties makes me want to get into them more.  I have a few, courtesy of Shane, and
they are very interesting.  Sounds like Judy at Pepperlover is a good source.  Anyone else you would
recommend?  I have a Galapagoense that looks very similar to the larger of your two plants.  
Sort of soft, droopy leaves.  I guess that's it's growth habit?  I thought maybe mine was a bit under the
Good luck going forward from here, Walt.  Will be excited to see how those grow in Vegasville.