• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wildseeds57 not so wild grow, well maybe a little

Well I'm finally getting my glog started as you can see my photos are not the best.
Its been a lousy spring, it started out very cold and wet, we've had several storms and killer
winds my seedlings shrank from 120 to 85 then to 50.
I got all my seeds from a trade with 3/5King and CMP1974 thanks guys the peppers were great and I got enough seed to grow next year and share out seeds to anyone that might like some.
I'm having trouble cutting and pasting right now, but will have it fixed in a few ours and will have all the photos  posted and yes if there's no photo it didn't happen.
Going to shut down my Glog as I am having to rest a lot and don't feel much like writing, I've got a dehydater filled with drying peppers most of which are red Bhuts and red 7 pot Infinities, man those are some big peppers and Damn hot ones, I went through 3 pairs of gloves as I didn't get the right ones, the things kept tearing and trying to melt.
Its been a interesting year to say the least, I sure hope next year will be better health wise for me along with better weather.
Next month I will be looking at what all I will be growing, It looks like it won't be much as I just can't keep up with every thing. I have about ten or more pepper plants I will be cutting back and repotting for the winter months inside, I noticed that I had about 6 plants that didn't bloom or set pods for some reason to much crowding and not enough light.
I'll be using a lot of large containers for next years garden as they will be much easier to work with and the only plants that will stay on the fences will be my spring peas and pole beans and cukes, the rest will go into containers. 
 So If I do shut this all down I hope every one has a great fall and winter with out any mishaps and a great season next year. 