breeding Will my plants cross.

Spicy Mushroom said:
Nice. That's a pepper I would buy when stable! Assuming purple and some heat.
i am going to try my hardest to end up with a purple reaper, everything about the reaper, just purple lol or at least the heat of a reaper with purple flesh
       I started seeds from last years crop that will be identified as such until they grow out and we decide they look odd.I did not isolate any,but I did overwinter 3 plants that I could claim as the same as last year.I still have problems with what's a brainstain,moruga bla bla bla.Thats why I am here learning from the masters. :P
  The ones I overwintered may need identified also if I screwed that up.
ikeepfish said:
Lol I'm talking about for a purple reaper
haha i totally read that wrong, i thought you meant cross a bhut with the pruple jala, sorry, the thought never crossed my mind to cross a purple bhut with the reaper.  and i havent actually found seeds for a purple bhut
edit: well i feel dumb lmao