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Will the real Goatsweed please stand up!

Two seeds from the same packet. Both fruiting differently, well really whole plants are different.



The one on the left looks like the one in the database. On the right looks like a black pearl, but the pod is growing long & downwards??

Any guesses?
Looks like you got hybrid seeds.
I've only seen pictures, but I'm pretty sure the left one looks like a Goatsweed should.
sorry goatsweed on the left purple tiger on the right.
definate goats weed on left.

I thinksomeof my seeds got messed around with by the kids. right looks just like my purple tiger I'm pretty sure.
sorry dude.

stillmanz said:
sorry goatsweed on the left purple tiger on the right.
definate goats weed on left.

I thinksomeof my seeds got messed around with by the kids. right looks just like my purple tiger I'm pretty sure.
sorry dude.


Thats terrible!

...now i gotta update my grow list again :D

so what are the purple tigers like?

& your kids deserve 3 days in the spider-cupboard. That'll learn em :lol:

yeah, i'm over it. Both nice healthy plants, gonna keep me happy over the cooler months :cool:

Thanks mate
I dunno I just don't eat alot of the "pretty" peppers. I stick to what I knowssssss.
They could be hot as shit, I just doubt they got much flavour to back it out.
They'd look good pickled in a jar in the black stage of development.