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Will the real Scovie please stand up..............................................

Anyone without a drink and a sense of humor... GO FIND A FLOG!!!

(ohhh a pun... flog...flog)
RC Coke!!!! All cola is coke! Then SL will be talking about how tilapia eat poop because the farmers drink coke but they ordered RC. In Ghana. 

JayT said:
Its still about him.
Actually I started this about all the usernames with scoville or scovie in them. And at the time multiple people were being called scovie lol. And I also started it as a pointless drinking game so....... DRINK!
The Hot Pepper said:
RC Coke!!!! All cola is coke! Then SL will be talking about how tilapia eat poop because the farmers drink coke but they ordered RC. In Ghana. 

Actually I started this about all the usernames with scoville or scovie in them. And at the time multiple people were being called scovie lol. And I also started it as a pointless drinking game so....... DRINK!
The night I made about 15 cadi profile pics for everyone :) 
The Hot Pepper said:
SL started the drama!
Did Not!

hogleg said:
Better be careful. Or SL will derail this muthafuka right through a small village.
you bet'cher SoreAss...

JayT said:
SL could derail a thread about poor starving pigmys.  She is the master.  Its all a matter of if she has had enough wine or not.  <3 U SL.
 And NOW I have rewined enough!

SHEESH!  One sober post and look at all the hullabaloo!
Edited Post for proper wining content.
PS- <3 you guys too. 
Wow! Who wudda thought SL would bring this back on track??? :lol:
YAY!!!! SL!!!!
Scovie just dipped to chill is what I thought.  good on him too instead of making a mess.  Let us not pretend; we're all someone else's ajdrew or dulac or queequee or gm or whatever.  Give it a name.  It's the internet man, text just can't convey slick turn of phrase and inflection.  Instead of flame war PM someone and say they hurt your feelings.  9 times out of 10 they'll apologize and harmony springs forth.  
edit: I try to be like grass snake.  that dude is just straight chill.  
It used to be that I posted too many pictures for Twisp bandwidth =)
There's nothing to hash out, because it's just that he just finds it annoying that I post a lot, or "first" in a thread more often than he thinks is appropriate ...
SmokenFire said:
Scovie just dipped to chill is what I thought.  good on him too instead of making a mess.  Let us not pretend; we're all someone else's ajdrew or dulac or queequee or gm or whatever.  Give it a name.  It's the internet man, text just can't convey slick turn of phrase and inflection.  Instead of flame war PM someone and say they hurt your feelings.  9 times out of 10 they'll apologize and harmony springs forth.  
edit: I try to be like grass snake.  that dude is just straight chill.
I can see y'all wanna be serious tonight. I'll be over in my other drunk thread until y'all get a drink... lol...
SF this thread is a few years old... it gets bumped all the time...
grantmichaels said:
It used to be that I posted too many pictures for Twisp bandwidth =)
There's nothing to hash out, because it's just that he just finds it annoying that I post a lot, or "first" in a thread more often than he thinks is appropriate ...
Yeah. You guys never got into any argument. So it is what it is. I'm sure it is internet burnout, and anyone posting a lot would bother him. It happens. Especially to people on edge, stressed, or overworked. He'll be back and rested. Now I am going to the other drinking thread. k bye.
The Hot Pepper said:
Yeah. You guys never got into any argument. So it is what it is. I'm sure it is internet burnout, and anyone posting a lot would bother him. It happens. Especially to people on edge, stressed, or overworked. He'll be back and rested. Now I am going to the other drinking thread. k bye.
That is a factual account.
It's a matter of difference about how one Internet's as far as I know ...
Scovie feels that I "THP TOO HARD" ...
That's the truth.
We turned them down for drunken Facetime one night, but I think that's unrelated ...
Other than that, I dunno ...
Also factual: CJ is actually the one who came up w/ Gadget ...
I am Scovie. I am un-dead... So far. 
Yeah, I haven't been around much.
Here's a rundown of today, and basically the last couple weeks, and what it looks to be like until May...
Wake up at 4AM... Coffee, emails, load/unload the truck.
Hit the road at 6:30 and head south to Carlton to pre-slope a mortar shower pan.
8:30AM head back north, stop by the house and grab the flatbed trailer to load 1/2 the "other-other" job worth of tile. 3000 lbs.
Stop at job to unload the tile.
10AM, head further north to Winthrop to grout a bathroom while CJ seals the other one. uhg...
3PM head back south to Twisp to get the remaining 3000 lbs of tile for the other-other job. yep... back north to off-load.
Finally hit the bank and PO on the way home with a quick stop at Hank's for some Quinoa. True story, don't ask.
Home at 4:30-ish to more phone calls and emails. I aint bitchin, just busy and I love it.
I hope quinoa helps me sleep.
Saturday Imonna be drunk as fuque. Boom.