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will this harm my plants?

I am having some mold problems on my plants and need to know if the Lysol disinfectant spray will harm my plants. The kind I will be using is the one in the aerosol can. The mold is only on the soil so the plants will not be directly targeted but will get over spray on them. Thanks in advanced for any replies!
I personally haven't used that method to kill mold on my plants but it doesn't sound good. There are a lot of chemicals in that stuff that you don't want on your plants I would think. To kill mold I fill a squirt bottle with water and add a little bit of dish soap to it, like a drop, mix it well and spray on the affected areas. Use sparingly though, don't go overboard and soak them down with it. Good luck! :)
Thanks for the answer! I will try that. If that doesn't work I found that a mixture of bleach and water at a ratio of 1:10 will take care of the problem and not harm my plants
Thanks for the answer! I will try that. If that doesn't work I found that a mixture of bleach and water at a ratio of 1:10 will take care of the problem and not harm my plants

You say the mold is only on the soil. Do you know that it's harming the plants? Some mold may be beneficial and assist in the breakdown of leaves etc. into nutrients. In compost rich soil with red worms, the worms aren't eating the material put in like coffee grounds, banana peels, and manure, but rather the microbial matter that breaks those things down.

Safer's liquid sulfur might do the trick. It is said to target leaf molds. In soil, sulfur can impact PH.

You could also go for a beneficial fungus which might help immunize your plants against something harmful and will definitely help the roots. A number of giant pumpkin growers are attributing "mycorrhizal" as a contributor to their success.
Thanks for the replies guys. There are no leaves on the soil (the plants are just babies). I did hit it up with both the soap spray solution and the bleach solution since I was about to leave for work. There is now no more mold on my soil :)

I assume it is bad mold since I keep the plants on the window sill with a mylar backing to reflect light so there is almost no air movement across the plants. Thanks for the input guys!