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Will Totally Green Unripe Peppers Ripen if Picked?

It's been getting colder in the evenings here and so I cut my plants back to bring inside for winter and there were many green peppers which had not ripened, will they ripen?
I put mine in paper bag with banana or tomatoe that is ripe. the gas they give off helps ripen them just check every couple days to make sure there not getting to soft.
oldsalty said:
I put mine in paper bag with banana or tomatoe that is ripe. the gas they give off helps ripen them just check every couple days to make sure there not getting to soft.
hogleg said:
Put the green ones in a paper bag with the banana in the picture.
I have a lot of green ones.....
This bowl is about 5" deep and 15" across
dragonsfire said:
Thiers a thread about this and I think the answer is no. I have a Ghost pepper that fell off and after two weeks its still green.
That will suck, it's a lot of peppers to toss out....What can I do with green ones? Anything?
Streamer said:
Next time, prune overwinter plants judiciously leaving green peppers intact. Then bring them in. Green peppers must remain on plant to mature.
OOHH yeah iv'e seen that Great Idea Streamer !!
Off topic....but I gotta ask, what's with the medicine bottles full of cigarettes?
And don't toss them...try out a green hot sauce, or salsa verde.
It depends on how close they was ripening. I mean if you pick a aji amarillo that was 2 months from ripening. It's obviously going to rot before turning. I've picked plenty of pods that where green one day and ripe a day or two later. 
I had twin aji painapples. One side was yellow, other side was still green. Two days later both where yellow. 
Jubnat said:
I didn't know they were putting filters on those too...that's some stealth shit right there!
had to stay one step ahead of the law !  not for long tho . lol  sry. bro ,didn't  mean to hijack your thread ! i'm done .