routine of each type of plant.
Bingo...frenzix hit one main factor...
I know this thread is about wilting being good or bad for your peppers, but I would like to throw in a tidbit of info that you may not have thought about...
Each growing media whether it is seed starting soil, potting soil, or just plain dirt will lose/soak up water at a different rate, so the frequency you water your plants may not be the best frequency for me... and, the larger the container, the less often you need to IMO...
the different type plants also play into the game too...chinense' grow slower than annuum's therefore you shouldn't put annuums and chinense in the same seed starting will need water and the other won't
weight was mentioned a little earlier and IMHO, weight of your containers is key to understanding when your plants need water...there is a "happy medium" between "light" and "heavy" just takes time to develop the feel for your pots...after a while, you can just lift the corner of a tray or tilt the container a little and you will be able to tell if they are thirsty...
Note for container gardeners: The soil on top of your container may be bone dry down an inch or so, and look dry too, but in the bottom of the pot, it can be very wet and this is a killer of a lot of plants...
as my signature says..."listen to your plants..."
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