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Ok every single day I go outside and my plants are wilting.. and not just wilting a little bit, like wilting to the point that leaves are all pointing straight down. My plants receive sun from sunrise until about 12pm but by 11am they are wilting. the temps here have been upper 80s to mid 90s lately. I water them when I see that they are wilting (usually everyday) but at night they seem to perk back up. My Yellow TS plant will not put out a single pod, all the flowers just fall off (it is the only one that is doing this my others are all producing) oh and the wilt doesn't seem to affect the cayenne, or caribbean red plant. and one more question whilst I have your attention, how long can I leave ripe pods on the plant?
i would either get a shade cloth for them if not in pots, or move them to another spot that does not get so much sun. they are wilting due to too much intense sun. if you can put them in a spot that gets a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the evening of sun. my plants(though in San Diego its not nearly as hot right now) get sun from 2-sunset and the only time they wilt is due to lack of water.

Ok every single day I go outside and my plants are wilting.. and not just wilting a little bit, like wilting to the point that leaves are all pointing straight down. My plants receive sun from sunrise until about 12pm but by 11am they are wilting. the temps here have been upper 80s to mid 90s lately. I water them when I see that they are wilting (usually everyday) but at night they seem to perk back up. My Yellow TS plant will not put out a single pod, all the flowers just fall off (it is the only one that is doing this my others are all producing) oh and the wilt doesn't seem to affect the cayenne, or caribbean red plant. and one more question whilst I have your attention, how long can I leave ripe pods on the plant?
If you are using the black plastic pots, or med/dark shaded ceramic pots- and they recieve full sun, the soil temps will skyrocket during the day... this causes wilting also, when the soil cools..they get happy again, if the soil temps stay in the 90's late into the night-that may also be why the blossoms are dropping.I water in late afternoon/evening to ensure cooler soil temps as well as just to H2O.ook closely at the dropped blossssoms- if it is just petals, your peppers may not have poked out yet...lol

You can leave pods on the plants for a long time without any damage- if they still feel crisp and vascular they are fine...2 points of view here,some say leaving them on the plants as long as possible is best for heat, while others will say that peak heat/flavor comes shortly after "turning" their final color phase.
its not just the flowers it the whole thing, they are in plastic buckets I bet that is why they wilt they generally perk up at night or after I water them.
I have the same issue. It gets pretty hot here and even when it isn't over 100 they still wilt. The the ones in the raised beds seem to hold up a bit more, but those in black pots I can count in on wilting during the day. Next season I am gonna build a shade cloth system to compensate.
"I water them when I see that they are wilting (usually everyday)"

how about you try to water 'just before' they wilt and see if they like it

they are yours and you can adjust your watering times and amounts any way you see fit

i have been watering mine 'before they wilt' for some time

ain't it fun trying a non mainstream tactic?

I tried watering before they wilt the problem is the only chance I get is at 3 am or when I wake up at 10 am I have watered them at 3 and it didn't seem to change anything by 1030 or 1100 they are wilted... but at night they generally perk up.. I work at night
Mine did that as well until they hardened off. Now, they love the sun all day long. I would leave them alone and let them get tough.
If it is pot/soil temps you are worried about then concentrate on mulching and insulating the pots. One easy way is to simply place one pot inside another of the same size, two if you can spare them. It would also be easy to build boxes to put the pots in so that they are entirely shaded.

I used straw to mulch my pots and I water most of them every other day often two days with constant 90-102F temps. Definitely some wilting and flower drop during the heat waves but also lots of successful pods. I think watering between noon and 2pm is best in the heat.

Silicone also helps plants deal with heat and drought stress. I use Pro-teKt.