• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Windchicken 2013

Finally got me some lights and a heat mat...



The trays are the self-watering Burpee 32-cell type..Hopefully they will maintain more consistent moisture levels.

This is what I sowed:

C. chinense
MoA Scotch Bonnet (STEVE954), 6
Madame Jeanette (Meatfreak), 6
Bahamian Goat (FadeToBlack), 6
NagaBrain (romy6), 8
Trinidad Scorpion, 4
7 Pot Yellow, 8
Cumari do Para (capsidadburn), 8
Bonda ma Jacques x 7 Pot Yellow (Spicegeist), 4
Chupetinha, 4

C. annuum
Doux Tres Long des Landes (Meatfreak), 6
Poblano, 8
Zapotec Jalapeño, 12
Chiltepin, 8
California Wonder, 4
Chilhuacle Rojo, 8
Thai Garden Birdseed, 4
Ashe County Pimento (kentishman), 4
Kitchen Pepper (Datil), 4

C. baccatum
Aji Amarillo, 8

There are a few spots still open. Probably will sow NuMex 6-4 and some Morouga, because people are asking for it....
Pic 1 said: "....Goat seeds..."
WOW. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What's up G-man, living through everyone's glogs til I see mine again. :dance:
Did you give the Black Szechuan Pepper a shot....? My seeds have disappeared(you know how when people think you need to get organized, and throw half your stuff away-and usually give them some as well?), so the status is unclear.
I finally found 1 keeper podwise in Ghana, don't know what it is but it is crunchy and sweet, so I figure what the hell.;)!
:P Must be some potent goats in the Bahamas! :P Thanks Dave! Those babies are going in the ground very soon....

I did sow 4 cells with the Sichuan (Firditra's spelling) peppers, but none of them sprouted...Firditra said he couldn't get them to sprout, either. I reckon they must be heat-dried....

Thanks for checking in, Dave, and thanks for the pix from Ghana! Would love to see more. Are you working offshore or in the mines over there?
I think Aji Amarillo needs very little supplemental nitrogen. Just a little bit of extra N and they become huge leaved long stemmed mutants with few pods! I don't know if anyone else(you included) noticed that? They seem to do surprisingly well in "poor" soil compared to other pepper varieties from what I have seen. I have one in a greenhouse, sitting in a 7 gallon pot of sandy non composted garden soil that I have just barely fertilized with MG Tomato, and it is now overloaded(maybe 36 or so) with large pods....which makes me happy!
I think Aji Amarillo needs very little supplemental nitrogen. Just a little bit of extra N and they become huge leaved long stemmed mutants with few pods! I don't know if anyone else(you included) noticed that? They seem to do surprisingly well in "poor" soil compared to other pepper varieties from what I have seen. I have one in a greenhouse, sitting in a 7 gallon pot of sandy non composted garden soil that I have just barely fertilized with MG Tomato, and it is now overloaded(maybe 36 or so) with large pods....which makes me happy!

Wait a minit, what do they always say here on THP?..."Photos or it didn't happen!" :cool:

Thanks, Jesse. Interesting observation...There's a video somewhere on the web of a commercial grow in Peru—The soil looks real poor and the plants are only about 3 or 4 feet tall, and LOADED. The pickers are dumping their bags in a massive pile of honkin' giant orange pods...So yeah, what you're saying makes a lot of sense....

Sadly, I can't afford to grow with low N...The extreme heat and humidity where I lives guarantees BLS infection in pale-leafed chile plants....Even with my huge-leaved, crazy tall, dark-leaved mutant plants I still get pretty good production...not like what you describe, but enough to make me happy....

Found it:

lol...Dam, someone would have to box all 4 letters together on the keyboard...

I meant to type "Weed Seeds"............yikes...... :shocked: .......just kiddin !

Yeah, I know what you mean, although my amarillo seemed much less affected by the BLS than a lot of the other types I had growing, the panca were completely unaffected, but we may have different races of BLS. Awesome video, those are monster pods! I will try to remember to bring my camera to work and get some pics....
Cool, thanks Jesse!

I think the plants in the vid are the same variety I got from Peppermania...The shape is very much the same, anyway....This year I added another variety from seeds sent to me by PaulG.

I swear I think I secrete BLS from my pores....

Did a little potting-up yesterday....7 Pot Yellow:


Bahamian Goat, FadeToBlack version:


NagaBrain, the romy6 original:


Zapotec Jalapeño:


Chiltepin, CPI version:

Thanks J Daddy! The photo does not do those plants justice...Maybe the camera angle could be better, because they are some real robust and leafy plants...