• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Windchicken 2013

Finally got me some lights and a heat mat...



The trays are the self-watering Burpee 32-cell type..Hopefully they will maintain more consistent moisture levels.

This is what I sowed:

C. chinense
MoA Scotch Bonnet (STEVE954), 6
Madame Jeanette (Meatfreak), 6
Bahamian Goat (FadeToBlack), 6
NagaBrain (romy6), 8
Trinidad Scorpion, 4
7 Pot Yellow, 8
Cumari do Para (capsidadburn), 8
Bonda ma Jacques x 7 Pot Yellow (Spicegeist), 4
Chupetinha, 4

C. annuum
Doux Tres Long des Landes (Meatfreak), 6
Poblano, 8
Zapotec Jalapeño, 12
Chiltepin, 8
California Wonder, 4
Chilhuacle Rojo, 8
Thai Garden Birdseed, 4
Ashe County Pimento (kentishman), 4
Kitchen Pepper (Datil), 4

C. baccatum
Aji Amarillo, 8

There are a few spots still open. Probably will sow NuMex 6-4 and some Morouga, because people are asking for it....
Show those overwinters.

Okay Rodney, here ya go... (Yes, there's a sofa in my garage. Someone please come get the damn thing!)


Super clean setup & great list Gary!
You're growing more varieties than i thought :D i'm happy that KP Peach made the cut!

Happy season!


Thanks, Fabrizio...Well, yes, it's more than I had planned, but still way less than last year :rolleyes:

I'm just wondering...What's the pod shape on the Kitchen Peach?

I see you are sticking with the Aji Amarillo despite its challenges. Me too, it's just too tasty, it's like a delicacy, if I just get a dozen ripe pods (or even less) I'll be happy. This year I am keeping a couple in containers despite their monstrous size, as I had at least 40-50 green full size pods on each plant in the ground by the time a hard frost came and wiped them out. At least I will be able to bring them in and let them ripen if they are in containers. I did get about 2-3 dozen ripe pods through the season despite. Anyway back to YOUR glog...

Thanks Jesse! Everything you said is exactly how I feel about Aji Amarillo...The way our seasons run here in Louisiana, I probably won't get anything but green pods off of these plants this year, so I will overwinter all the plants so they can get a head start on 2014. But then...Look out! Needless to say, they will all be in containers.

Beautiful set up! Super clean. Good luck!

Thanks Jamison!
WOWWWWW I SEE PODSSSS!!!!!! On a plant no less. What a glorious sight. Thats a great list you have going on and I am looking forward to following your grow this year. I'm sure its gonna be as good as, if not better than, last years. :dance: :dance:
i seee BONDASSSS.. wow.. very lovely OWs.... that still have PODS!!!

Thanks KD! It's been a good winter so far...

WOWWWWW I SEE PODSSSS!!!!!! On a plant no less. What a glorious sight. Thats a great list you have going on and I am looking forward to following your grow this year. I'm sure its gonna be as good as, if not better than, last years. :dance: :dance:

Thanks Pia! And thanks so much for your kind words! I'll be watching your grow, too.

Damn Gary, even your "garage plants" are beautiful.

Still got that big pequin?

Do not forget the dog photos sir.....

Thanks Rodney! We've had a warm couple of weeks, so they've gotten a nice stretch of full sun driveway time...You can barely see the top of the big Chiltepin in the back left of the photo, right next to the garage door, in the corner, in front of the shovels and rakes. Tells you something about how big the other plants are...

I'll get you some dog photos right away, sir! :P

They're very close to Scotch Bonnets in shape but the flavor is more annuum-ish, peach color is very cool though.
Your overwinters look GREAT!



Thanks Fabrizio! I'm looking forward to tasting the KPs...And there is nothing much funner for me than growing verdant, leafy, kitchen annuums...

Those plants look incredible! Almost can't believe how good they look!

Thanks Charles! Yes, I snapped that pik just yesterday morning as I was leaving for work. It has been a mild winter so far, and I've been schlepping the containers in and out of the garage to give them as much full sun as possible...

Cutting back a bit this season?

Best of luck to you.

Thanks Patrick! ;) I figured I would plant way more than all my OCD planning indicated, and yes, this is WAY more, but it's still 80 plants fewer than last year's grow....Um...if you don't count the overwinters, then it's 60 plants less than last year...

Still way too many plants...However, half of the Jalapeño plants and half the Aji Amarillo will go to my brother's garden. I will also give away some of the Yellow 7s and Scorpions, and some of the sweet annuums...

Good luck with your garden, too! I'm looking forward to following its progress.
Yea buddy! Hard to stop planting more seeds for me too.

I figure we can always thin 'em out at some point(s) before plant-out time....

Wow nice overwinters wind chicken!!! What are your winters like ??

Thanks Trippa! The last couple of winters have been relatively mild...maybe 10 to 15 nights where it gets down to the mid-20s (Fahrenheit). As recently as the late 1980s there would temps in the teens and frozen precip, but not so much for the last 20 years or so. I suspect we can grow perennial in-ground Chiltepin here now, like in South Texas.
Howdy wind chicken!! Great looking peppers in the garage! What are the yellow peppers on the far right? Those look like pepper trees or bushes not plants! Really awesome! Have a great grow for 2013!
Yeah, me too. Definitely nothing else. :liar:


Same here....I just like looking at the photo's in the seed catalogs...................hah

Those damn seed catalogs....

Howdy wind chicken!! Great looking peppers in the garage! What are the yellow peppers on the far right? Those look like pepper trees or bushes not plants! Really awesome! Have a great grow for 2013!

Thanks FE! Those are Trinidad Perfume....5 plants.

I like your grow list. Yours will be lush and bountiful!
Damn fine garage. I'd be more than happy to look those over for pests for yah! You don't know what you have until it is gone right?It's been snowing since christmas here.
Not sure how I missed your glog before but just caught up, very sharp looking setup you have! Great list of peppers you've lined up and man I need a man cave like that garage, OW's, pods, sofa and there’s probably a big screen TV & cooler full of beer we can’t see … that’s awesome! Wishin ya a great 2013 grow mon and can't wait to see da progress on the SB MoA's ^_^
Hey Gary! Any hookers yet?!

It's funny you should say "hookers," Steve, because my first hooks, after only 6 days from sowing, were the Madame Jeanette, named after the famous Brazilian madam. :P No sign of the MoA Bonnets yet. As soon as I see them you will be the first to know...The Jeanettes (seeds from meatfreak), are the 3 sprouts in front. The 3 sprouts in back are Bahamian Goat, a different version from the one I grew last year, seeds from THP member FadeToBlack, who lives in the Bahamas:


In the back right below is a NagaBrain sprout (romy6's creation)...I am now officially sold on the grow light and heat mat thing! In the olden days of sprouting by sunlight it would take 2-3 weeks to get to this point...


Below, front right: Thai Garden Birdseed
Below, back right: Chilhuacle Rojo


Below, Zapotec Jalapeño is bustin' a move (all 12 cells in this photo):


Also sprouted but not shown: Ashe County Pimento (seeds from THP member kentishman) and Chupetinha.

Damn fine garage. I'd be more than happy to look those over for pests for yah! You don't know what you have until it is gone right?It's been snowing since christmas here.

Thanks dude! Do you pull Bermuda grass? Will you work for chiles? Come on down! :P

Not sure how I missed your glog before but just caught up, very sharp looking setup you have! Great list of peppers you've lined up and man I need a man cave like that garage, OW's, pods, sofa and there’s probably a big screen TV & cooler full of beer we can’t see … that’s awesome! Wishin ya a great 2013 grow mon and can't wait to see da progress on the SB MoA's ^_^

Thanks WG! I do kinda like that sofa out there...It's a great place take a break during lawn care hell...So yeah, I just got grateful! Thanks!