• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Windchicken Veggies, Herbs, Etc. 2012

Dang............if you could sell tomatillo starters or perhaps, jars of salsa verde.

Your plants remind me of mid summer here. Wow Gary, I sure wish we had the longer growing season up here in Northern Illinois.
Your herbs are really "Going to Town!"

Thanks Greg! In February I started a different variety of tomatillo, but they didn't do so well, so I threw them out. These abundant volunteers are like providence or something....Wish I could send some of the babies to you, but I don't think they travel so well.

Thanks Greg! In February I started a different variety of tomatillo, but they didn't do so well, so I threw them out. These abundant volunteers are like providence or something....Wish I could send some of the babies to you, but I don't think they travel so well.


Thanks for the thought.........I know the plants get big and my room is limited. But there's nothing like a pork shoulder roast braising in a verde sauce...................for hours!.............. :drooling:

Hi Avon--Thanks for looking!

I pulled the parsley up when it began to bolt, so it never got a chance to set seeds. Then I planted Moss Roses in that bed....

Thanks for the thought.........I know the plants get big and my room is limited. But there's nothing like a pork shoulder roast braising in a verde sauce...................for hours!.............. :drooling:

Okay, I'm salivating now, too, Greg! Some nice fresh tortillas to wrap that up in...YEAH
Your garden is beautiful Gary. Gives me inspiration to start some herbs. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Jamie! Herbs are fun to grow because they are so easy as to be almost an afterthought...There are several more I need in my garden, but I can never remember what they are until I'm looking at a recipe....
Update today, June 2, 2012:

Pink Brandywine:


Pink Brandywine:


Pink Brandywine:


Cherokee Purple:

Thanks Dan! It's time for some more tomato and tomatillo pix...

Tomatoes have been somewhat of a challenge for me for the last few years—I've got my fingers crossed right now...

So this is where you stash the other good's, :shocked: and wow as always, those plant are thriving in goodness, those tree bark really do you well.
Thanks Firditra!

And thanks for noticing the hardwood bark—I'm pretty sure I could not garden without it. As you can see, even the flowers love it...

Tomato update soon. It's way overdue.

Did it stop raining yet? You about ready to plant?

Dude, I am absolutely fascinated by the Cabe Gendot! Tell me more! Have you grown it?

Tiny update today, June 15, 2012—

Pink Brandywine. Note the excellent white fungus growing on the hardwood mulch after 2 days of heavy rain. Happy Beds!:

Technically this plant is a chile, but I believe that it's appropriate to post a photo of California Wonder here as well:


After pulling up the parsley depicted at the beginning of this thread, I planted Moss Roses and Mexican Heather in that bed. However, volunteer Sweet Basil (who resided there before the parsley) kept coming up amongst the flowers, like weeds. For weeks I pulled up every plant that popped up, then I finally decided to let one of them stay:
