• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

winningbee's low/no tech 2015 glog

 Hello Guys
I am new here and have grown few peppers in the past
I would like to share my 2015 grow list 
* Fatalii Jigsaw
* Carolina reaper
* Bhut Jolokia
* Moruga scorpion yellow
* Chocolate Habanero
* White Habanero
* Devil's tongue
I have started germination 3 weeks ago, some have germinated, and have been planted in soil
 fatalii Jigsaw
sorry, I don't manage to put my pics, someone can help me on that ?
thanks a lot for the hint !
so here are the Fatalii jigsaws,  

and the bhuts

and all the ones that are still supposed to germinate 

by the way, I have noticed something weird about one moruga (and one reaper also), something seems to be coming out of the seed but it hasn't evolved in 4 days (usually, when a seed starts germinating is is really fast, and here not at all) have you ever noticed something like that ? (upper left MS seed)

I got the seeds at ukchilliseeds, and I have to say that I am a bit concerned about the quality of the reapers and the morugas, even though I know they can they take long to germinate non of them have (really) sprouted yet, and they look darkish ... 
here is an update on the peppers.
here are the Jigsaws, with a little cripple on the left

Now the Buths with one cripple again

none of the other seeds germinated, so I threw them away, and planted some more Morugas and Reapers, and one of each germinated (Reaper on the left, and moruga on the right)

the germination rate has beed extremely bad !
1/10 Reaper 
1/8 Morugas
2/4 bhut
3/3 Jigsaw  :P
not to mention the other varieties that came from other previous orders), 0/MANY however, the seeds were kinda old, si I cannot say anything.
I also hot a small LED grow light and it seems to work pretty well, for now plants were on a windowsill, and I do not have much direct sunlight (this is obviously why their growth has been so slow). I would say that in 3 days I already see some improvements ... hope for the best

Finally since I was very disappointed with my germination rate, I hot some more seeds @pepperlover
more reapres
7 pod primo
7pod Douglah
7pod Bubblegum
and got 3 freebies 
I will keep you updated on the progresses of these ones, and also I'll be able to find out if it was the seeds or my germination method that didn't work ...