this is my first year growing a pepper, so i only have 1 to worry about this year. next year will be a different story, but for now, 1 is all i got. heres the question. next year i am going to grow several types, and i am thinking of actually planting them in the ground instead of a container, so i am wondering what do i do next winter, just let them die? i do not want to go through the trouble of transplanting them, so thats not really an option for me. i am also wondering how i would regrow them the year after, just save some seeds? (ive read on how to dry them for planting). as you may or may not know, its not really the arctic down here in charlotte, so i can probably grow until mid october to late october. so im only looking at ~3-4 months without fresh peppers, but i can just get them in the fresh market down the road. input on any of this? thanks!