I hope to have a few of these plants this year myself - I wanted these seeds because of everyone saying how good they are I hope they up to it.
Do you need seeds for this one? If so, just let me know brother.
I hope to have a few of these plants this year myself - I wanted these seeds because of everyone saying how good they are I hope they up to it.
French Guyana and Suriname are neighboring countries, so I would assume we might be talking about a very similar, if not the same pepper.
With Suriname being a former Dutch colony we get a LOT of Madame Jeanettes here. They are a bit pointy.
The Surinamese Ajoema is very similar to a habanero indeed, pod shape, flavor and heat wise.
I have never heard of wiri wiri, but it may come from "piri-piri" which is Portuguese, which so happens to be the language spoken in another neighbor of both countries, namely Brazil.
Greets from the Netherlands
The wiri wiri I've tasted was habbish in heat, but with a distinctive flavor, hard to describe, similar to the regular, fruity, floral chinense flavor but definately a little different, not unlike the madamme Janette, though different from them too!
I'm still wondering about the flavor and aroma. The one plant I had this year mysteriously died before flowering.