frutescens Wiri Wiri

French Guyana and Suriname are neighboring countries, so I would assume we might be talking about a very similar, if not the same pepper.

With Suriname being a former Dutch colony we get a LOT of Madame Jeanettes here. They are a bit pointy.

The Surinamese Ajoema is very similar to a habanero indeed, pod shape, flavor and heat wise.
I have never heard of wiri wiri, but it may come from "piri-piri" which is Portuguese, which so happens to be the language spoken in another neighbor of both countries, namely Brazil.

Greets from the Netherlands


Those are not proper Madame Jeanettes. They should be a bit longer and more wrinkled/wavy, like this:


These are how I remember them. This is a Madame Jeanette I grew from seeds collected in Paramaribo. The flavor is definitely in the habanero category, but still quite distinct.
Since this topic has been revived, I got my Wiri Wiri seed from smokemaster and the plants are doing well, looking to be extremely bushy and I can see what they say about the pods hiding under the leaves. Curious to see how they taste.

For anyone interested, I'll make it a point to have seed available for trade towards the end of the season.


I don't have any good pictures of it at the moment, but I noticed the flowers have blue anthers, almost violet. I only mention this because I remember someone talking about how their Wiri Wiri had pale anthers.
The wiri wiri I've tasted was habbish in heat, but with a distinctive flavor, hard to describe, similar to the regular, fruity, floral chinense flavor but definately a little different, not unlike the madamme Janette, though different from them too!
The wiri wiri I've tasted was habbish in heat, but with a distinctive flavor, hard to describe, similar to the regular, fruity, floral chinense flavor but definately a little different, not unlike the madamme Janette, though different from them too!

Figured I'd do a brief little update on these guys. I tried a couple the other day and I have to agree with you. I can't quite place what is different about them, but they have a subtly unique flavor unlike any other chinense I've tried, in a good way. Definitely a variety I will be growing in the future.

Here's a shot of the plant now. They're very prolific. Thanks again for the seeds, smokemaster.


Hey man, I'll take you up on the seed offer. The seeds I have from Guyana are going in the trash. I had the same thing happen with a plant this season so screw 'em.
Redtail, you're not the only one who has trouble with Wiri Wiris. I started two plants in 2011. The plants grew but never did well. I overwintered them and hoped they would take off and grow this year. No luck: they won't die, but they won't grow. Based on my comments on another thread about Wiris, Aji Joe has recently sent me seeds (many thanks Joe!), so I'll try them next year.

A few of us got our Wiri seeds last year from a guy in Florida, and they have given trouble to more folks than just me. Don't know why, but those seeds don't do well.

Best of luck to everyone for a good season,
Thanks Tom! Now that you mention it, I think AjiJoseph sent me some seeds as well. For some reason, I was determined to grow from the seeds a guy named DoubleBlown sent me but they are junk. I still don't think they were even a Capsicum.
I'm still wondering about the flavor and aroma. The one plant I had this year mysteriously died before flowering.

I lost mine recently too, though no mystery. Rain 17 out of the last 20 days, with nearly 6 inches dropping in a 10 day period...

They were young still as well - 3 sets of true leaves... The more established plants are holding up better... But the young ones are experiencing high mortality rates.

Lost my Yellow cardi Scorp, some ornamentals, and all but one Wiri Wiri (looks like a fructescense to me).
eh... Is what it is... out of 400 plants losing even a dozen stinks, but isn't as bad as it could be.

They had been given to me by Scoville who lives not too awful far away. Most of the ones I got from him are doing pretty well other than those. I suspect maybe they just are not as tolerant of over watering.
i was given some wiri, planted 6, all 6 germinated. since, 1 has shriveled and died. 1 is so tiny i am not sure what to make of it. another is only slightly larger and 2 are about 2 inches tall but no second leaves. they have to be at least a month old, they are in the house under lights but seemed to have just stopped growing.

i am thinking of covering them or surrounding them in a plastic dome to perhaps increase the humidity and see if that helps in new growth. if they are in a dome, i can then add a supply of CO2 and see if that picks the little "fellers" up. i guess it would help to read up on the climate of french guyana perhaps that too will lend a hand to resolving the growing dilema. or perhaps there is something about guyana soil that is missing - volcanic/sand?. i did give them a touch of GH Flora and have tried a tomato fertilizer. initially, i was watering with a mild seaweed tea that i make.

better get to work, i have research a head of me.
i have mine in a five gallon bucket in a mix of peat moss, bark, perlite, and stone, amended w/ worm castings blood and bone meal and espoma planttone, fed regularly w/ seaweed and fish emulsion and it is doing very well. it gets sun from about 7am -1pm and it has just set flowers at about 2 and a half ft tall. It pretty much is exactly the same regimen for all my container plants!