• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wiri's 2019 Adventures with "Wilds" & Others Glog

It's  always  exciting to acquire hard-to-find seeds of  wilds and take them to the next few levels  in
the hope of achieving the ultimate goal of pods ....Mingled with the wilds will be
some others that should make for an interesting season..Will be  adding some more to the list.
Cap  499 Wild Chacoense
Chacoense Most Prolific
Cheltepin Cappuccino
Eximium CGN 24332
Flexuosum Purple Flower
Madre de Rios
PI 439528 Praetermissum
Rocopica X Cardenasii F2
Ulupica Giant Yellow
Ulupica XL Yellow F4
Wild unknown
I placed a thermometer in the system & temps are 82- 84*F in there...that along with the humidity are  quite adequate IMO to promote germination.
It's a closed system & more or less self contained...for now I just have to wait "patiently" for final results...
FYI..The Seed Starting System (separate purchase)was protected with the clear plastic covering & I just flipped it onto the SSS & viola ..ah ha it worked. :onfire:
look..see :shh:

Added these seeds to the Aero:

Aji Chuncho Cgn 22792
Cap 215 Microcarpum
Cap 503 Eximium
Cap 1144 Pretermissum
Cap 1530 Cardenasii (older seeds)
Cgn 21502 Eximium
Cgn 22795 Praetermissum
PI 631137 Tolito/Torolito/Chiltepin
Sonoran Chiltepin
Zualas Chitepiquin 
Will add a few non wilds & that should do it ... till next year. ;)
Update ..Day #18 in the AG..
There has been some +activity noted...few true leaves/radicles but as per growing Wilds in such a time frame I'm happy...so far..so good.
I removed the cover& did a lil poking around & added my final pepper seeds..
Seeds  from   2/20/19 status.....WP=waiting patiently
Cap 499 Wild Chacoense........WP
Cardenasii...............................radicle**found to not be true to form IOW ..seeds pube type../a  statement on another  thread gave me                                       t                                                                                                                                           food for thought.
Chacoense Most Prolific..........radicle                                                                                  
Cheltepin Cappuccino.............true leaves starting...   
Eximium CGN 24332...............radicle
Flexuosum.............................. radicle
Flexuosum Purple Flower....... WP
Galapagoense....................... true leaves starting .. winner..germ in 10 days
Madre de Rios........................true leaves soon
PI 439528 Praetermissum......WP
Rocopica X Cardenasii F2..... true leaves soon
Ulupica Giant Yellow...............Cotyledons
Ulupica XL Yellow F4..............Cotyedons
Wild unknown....................... WP
Seeds from 2/27/19
Aji Chuncho Cgn 22792......                WP
Cap 215 Microcarpum.........                WP
Cap 503 Eximium.................                WP
Cap 1144 Pretermissum.......               WP
Cap 1530 Cardenasii (older seeds).....WP...hope these germinate. :pray:
Cgn 21502 Eximium.............................WP
Cgn 22795 Praetermissum..................WP
PI 631137 Tolito/Torolito/Chiltepin........true leaves forming
Sonoran Chiltepin...............................WP
Zualas Chitepiquin..............................WP
Added 3/10/19 
Aji Guyana PI 199506
Cap1478   Cap Praetermissum
Beth Boyd SB (super flattened)
Scotch Brain
Sivuli   Pi 51188 (Tepin...Cap annuum var. glabriusculum)
Spezzano Thai
Stuffing SB
Tiger Teeth
White Thai
Wiriwiri Red
Mariwiri  Red
Will take photos when  more substantial growth will be evident.
Special thanks to GIP for sharing seeds with me & to Big Mike also...&  thanks to you for visiting  my Glog..will keep you posted/pixs too...Ciao. ;)
Well...been gone for a long  while due to unexpected/necessary travel far from the home front.
Sooo...unfortunately, my grow plans has been altered ..lost some of my wilds :mope: ...so will just "soldier on" with what's on hand
and be happy that I did not loose all  ...although they're in  need of some cheering up/TLC. ;)
What they said!
We can all relate, Sandy. At least I can!
I'm happy you have a grow to go forward with.
With your nurturing skills, the survivors will be
awesome, for sure!
Something good will come out of it all  :cool:
Oh yeah, welcome home  :welcome:
PaulG said:
What they said!
We can all relate, Sandy. At least I can!
I'm happy you have a grow to go forward with.
With your nurturing skills, the survivors will be
awesome, for sure!
Something good will come out of it all  :cool:
Oh yeah, welcome home  :welcome:
Thank you Paul..Not a total loss...but doing my best,I did put them in the NICU that being my specialty ;) 
and they have responded very well & now ready to move on to the Intermediate Unit..& bigger pots,then hopefully
in a few wks I should be able to transition them to outside AKA Regular Nursery Care. :P 
Hope your plants are doing great..will have to catch up ASAP.

Well it's been a tad busy here & the uncooperative weather hasn't made my indoor plants real happy..actually
everything is behind but I have a few to save face...that being said the Woodlands plant I have around
just thrive in this moisture laden/sunless & cool environment..have quite a few under the trees around our property.
Ulupica La Paz  has just taken off indoors...was said to be Cardenasii,but we  know it takes 2 to tango so in 2018  when it
begun to pod up I knew I won't be dancing to any Bolivian music anytime soon...it's an Eximium..

..Copied photo of Cardi...oh ..I do so want  seeds, are impossible to get & they're usually not true...& that is a true statement.. strongly suggest isolating wild seeds that are to be shared,otherwise why bother eh? So that being said who has seeds? :rofl: 

Capsicum cardenasii is a plant species in the genus Capsicum and the family Solanaceae. It is a diploid with 2n=2x=24. It is a member within the C. pubescens complex, a group of closely related Capsicum species. It is closely related to C. eximium. It is native to the Andes, and it can be found in Bolivia.[1] The native name is ulupica.[2]


Vegetative characteristics

Capsicum cardenasii, like most members of the Pubescens complex, is a perennial plant that develops woody stems. The plant can grow up 2–3 feet high with a width of 1-1.5 feet. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate and pubescent. Plants generally produce between 1 and 2 flowers at the internodes. The petioles grow erect and have campanulate, pendant flowers.%5B3%5D The corolla is white and purple colored.%5B2%5D The plant produces small, fleshy, red fruit. It is likely the wild ancestor of rocoto peppers.[4]
The plant requires a cool, freeze free environment and long growing season similar to its native environment in the Andes.[1]

After fertilization C. cardenasii develops small round red berries, sometimes referred to as chiltepins. The fruits contain a small number of seed. The fruit are pungent, near 30 000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units), making them quite spicy.
Capsicum cardenasii is self-incompatible, and exhibits unilateral incompatibility with species outside the pubescens clade.

My Ulupica La Paz below

CAPPUCCINO CHELTEPIN..like most 'tepins will probably be a late bloomer.