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Woman held in girls chili powder Seizure death

Seeing this more often scares me as I have a 4 year old and 6 year old.. I see theres a "dollar menu" thread and ask you to make sure your kids are not in the vicinity. I'm hoping it wasn't deliberate.

This is terrible. I sometimes worry about the kids, especially when hubby maces us out of the house while making sauces, powders and cooking with superhots. We have had quiet a few times of having to run around the house open all windows and doors and get the kids out for fresh air. So from now on he has to do it while they are sleeping with doors shut or outside.

Good post KD.
For kids. I'd say their both is not able to tolerate the rush. The burn and rapid heart beat that one can get. ...prolly suffocated...sad sad
Our almost 3 year old loves spicy stuff. Always wants some of Daddys sauce (which is always superhot based now) and we give her a little her face gets really pale and she smiles and gets super hyper. She has his endorphins apparently. Like I said we will give her a small amount because she likes it. We almost always use superhot powder in cooking and it doesn't bother her either........ she is her fathers daughter.
So sad. I have read numerous reports of people feeling like their tongue is swelling, or that their throat is closing off. I have experienced a feeling of having my breath taken away, but no swelling. I am not one to tell people how to raise their kids [usually], but I would definitely advise using caution with superhot pods/powders. I have read on here that tolerance does not come with age, but I shudder to think of someone giving their kids bhut powder without first seeing how they react to a drop or two of a milder form of cap. Perhaps some tabasco on a chip, and work up from there if they truly enjoy the sensation. Again, this is just my opinion, but it breaks my heart to read articles like this. :(
Yes a sad story. We will have to wait and see what the real cause of her death is after the results of the autopsy. While these events are important the news media often jumps the gun in an attempt to be the first out with it. Often they report false facts because of this. For example look at the school shooting just last month in which almost every media reported that the school was where the shooters mother taught school. It was several days later that the correction was made that she did not and it was not her classroom in which many of the victims came from.

We really need to know the true facts once uncovered before passing judgement. People of all ages have died because of food allergies. We do not even know yet if it was the chili powder for sure and if it was what type. I have a friend who is allergic to black pepper, even a small amount can and has sent her to the hospital. Many of us also have had the experience of dealing with a 2 yr old. It may come out that the child got into it all by themselves while the adults were out of the room. I know I have come into a room to find my 2-3 yr old ( now 8) with the drawers pulled out like a step ladder up on the counter eating peanut butter out of the jar.
Good points onefowl1 -- It is tragic either way, but I agree that many people [myself included] are quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to cases like this.
I don't buy it. I don't see how chiles could give one a seizure.

Edit: ohh, perhaps from the stress of the pain.