Wonder whats going to happen with F3's now!

I have 12 very vigorous F3 crosses yet to produce any fruit this summer because of the heat causing blossom drop.  All were started late this spring and most are now 5' tall and very bushy, one is now bushing out but still slim and over 7' tall.  As its been cooling down to closer to 100 f and high humidity they finally started setting fruit by the hundreds, YAY!  Thought I was looking to get several pounds of pods soon...........
Heat is not done yet I guess and its back to 109 here in 2 days.  I'm very done with this summer, please go away heat.    
Turns out our weather is still only 103'ish and starting to cool, this is one F3 plant thats now 5' tall and just exploding with blooms and pods. 
Its going to be one hot winter here!
I started with a wild Native Chiltepin from here in Arizona and have been crossing with a few different Reapers.  Saved seeds from the most vigorous to cross again.  The current fruit starts vertical and then rotates down when ripening.  These guys are more prolific than any Chiltepin with 1" very hot fruit.  Pisses me off that the coming heat wave will likely F them up again.
uhm you live in phoenix, there is no such thing as heat wave, those temps are normal there lol..
perhaps consider growing indoors in a climate controlled environment?
stevie said:
uhm you live in phoenix, there is no such thing as heat wave, those temps are normal there lol..
perhaps consider growing indoors in a climate controlled environment?
True but going in to October the 100's are rare and 109 is near record.  These plants have been just bursting with blooms since July but all drop off.  Many pods have set now and I'll watch to see if the heat this week makes them drop.  My gut says the pods already set will be fine and all new blooms will  drop but the next set of blooms will double the current and all set fruit.
Could you please post a few pics of pods as they progress? I'm growing out my F1 cross of Reaper X NuMex Twilight which I'm guessing may be similar-ish to your cross. Will be interesting how our crosses will differ especially when I get to F2 and F3.
Couple pics if the links work out...
Pods forming...

The 7' 2" one...
Turns out this late season heat has really kicked the plants in the tail end to produce!  Pods are doubling daily with no more blossom drop at all.  I never considerred ants being polinators but the little tiny ones are all over the plants including the flowers gatherring nector I guess, but certainly helping with polination.