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smoking Woods for smoking

I used Chestnut a couple of weeks ago. It was......Good but I think I like hickory more. The smoke was there but the flavors from it were kind of subdued.
I've done a fair amount of smoking and plain grilling with a multitude of woods. Woods I've used have been apple, cherry, mesquite, maple, grape vine, Sage leaves(twigs) hickory, pecan, hazelnut, oak, and the oak whiskey barrel wood to name a few. For the purpose of peppers I've used mesquite alone, hickory alone, sage twigs (talking your garden herb) with mesquite as a personal favorite and pecan. Most of these have been on your standard Weber style grill. Yes I know these are not the multiple day old recipes but they end up with a serviceable enough product. It takes me a couple of days to do it typically but for 90% of what I cook this easy style has worked. Just keep the coals low, do it over a weekend and the peppers to one far side of the grill and it turns out okay. Having a dehydrator works but it may flavor your unit if you are not careful.
i use a lot of marcona almond wood. its a typical regional almond variety here in south spain. gives a nice flavour. although i mix it often with a bit of various others fruit-tree woods and sometimes olive and oak too.
Anyone ever use grapefruit wood? My vendor has some and I'm thinking about trying it out this weekend.
I know grape vines can be smoked so I assume this includes wild grape? I remove tonnes of wild grape vines each year and was thinking about putting them to use
From the chart I posted above:
"Grapefruit Produces a nice mild smoky flavor. Excellent with beef, pork, fish and poultry"

bam! Get you some!

Those "charts" can be found all over the web and are typically just a general statement copied from one sight to the next. I was hoping to get some feedback from a person who's actually used the wood before.
Ok so I thought you might find this amusing as I have. 2 months ago I dropped a Mimosa for a neighbor and we split and burnt most of it(outside of course). This piece has been sitting off to the side since day one and apparently it was a Zombie Mimosa that doesn't know it is dead.

I am thinking about burying this log somewhere to let it grow
That is a new branch from the tree, so it is still growing. Just amazes me that the tree is still putting out new growth due to stored energy.
I mainly use apple and cherry woods for all my smoking needs. I like to buy chunks since ships burn too quickly. I plan to smoke some peppers this year for a new powder mix, not sure of the blend or name as of yet.