heat World's Hottest Chilli

All this discussion over records and scoville scores is silly. All you have to do is read the label on the plant before you rush to buy it and it will tell you.


This was taken in the large nursery stall at the Fremantle Chilli Festival today. Out of all the places to sell chilli plants you'd think they'd know better :rolleyes:

I also want to rant that I hate nurseries that grow chilli plants and make them fruit when they are tiny and in miniture pots, then sell them at the end of the growing season. Knowing the plant is very unlikely to produce any good sized fruit before it gets cold and needs to be overwintered, which the average person won't do.

The guy who last year told me that his sauce, made with "red savinas - the hottest chilli in the world", is now saying that it was once the hottest chilli. I guess enough people contradicted him that he had to change his tune.

I should mention that Heatseeker/Wildfire Chilli was selling some good sized mature plants, and despite having invested a lot of effort in producing Butch T chilli products as the hottest chilli in the world didn't try to ignore the recent news about the Moruga, as some I saw did, but instead had a placard detailing the moruga. A chilli vendor for chilli heads. :clap:
You know, sometimes I wonder if people buy stuff like that in bulk and then get stuck with it...

Of course, that is their business risk, and once stuck, they are left with a choice between being honest, and taking advantage...

Seems like most end up taking advantage... kudos to heatseeker/wildfire chili.
You went to the chilli festival megamoo?
I had to work today (repairing and installing air cons :D ), and it's going to be too damn hot tomorrow.
Also my falcon ute doesn't like the heat, the auto g/box won't get into 3rd or 4th gear if the temp is above 30C or I use the air con in it. So I spent friday going up and down the freeway in 2nd gear from perth cbd to joondalup twice to look at and get parts to fix a freezer, revving at a nice 4500rpm. Used 1/2 tank of fuel. So I am not driving it anywhere tomorrow! lol

edit: Herbs 'r' Us sometimes do OK, the only reason why I have a choc hab right now is because I bought a scotch bonnet plant of them (at a chilli festival last year). Would never of otherwise heard of a choc hab beforehand :D
At first glance those looked like Basil plants...

Advertising issues aside, it'd be nice if I could find Naga seedlings around here.
That's not as bad as what I saw at the local Home Depot last year. It had "world's hottest pepper" written on it right next to orange habanero.
That's not as bad as what I saw at the local Home Depot last year. It had "world's hottest pepper" written on it right next to orange habanero.

Yep... seen that before. Not sure if it was Bonnie plants or another line that does that with their Habs... behind the times, just a bit.

The one that always amuses me are the Tepins. I've seen them called world's hottest several tmes. I mean yeah, they're hot, and if you consider the size difference they're certainly potent, but hottest? Eh...
Yeah I can understand a super store that stocks everything and anything having Habaneros as hottest. Sure its wrong but if you want accuracy and quality you would go to a specialist in that product like.... I dunno a 'nursery'. Plants are their whole business so they'd have to get it right... right? But I'm being silly, of course they stock many different types of plant. If you wanted to focus on one specific plant you would have to go to an event with that particular plant as a focus like.... a Chilli Festival.

They were they only dedicated nusery there and none of the plants looked healthy and they had all been forced to fruit whilst tiny. I'm certain it is not a matter of overstock. It was a cynical financially motviated marketing ploy to create a product with as little effort and money as possible, for an exact time, to expoit a market. There was no concern for the life of the product after the sale. The incorrect label and the fruiting plants were all designed to appeal and close the deal.
This all sounds a bit libelous so I should add that I could be wrong and it may all be down to gross incompetence.

Either way... Booooo Herbs r Us Not Cool
they had some plant card leftover from may years ago ;)

it's like when you order some NAGA viper seeds... the text on the package changed from "hottest in the world" to " One of the Hottest"
cant win in that race for the super guiness record peppers...
heh Bonnie still lables their homie depot habs worlds hottest...

Also my local nursery apparently has "ALL the hot peppers". I was there a few weeks ago and asked if they carried hot peppers and what they had.

I said "really ALL of them?" "yup" he said. So I said "all 3000 some varieties?" and he's like (exasperated) "no! just like... you know, habanero, cayenne jalapeno.... (pause) innit that all of em?"

I thanked him and left.

People are stupid.
I believe the world's hottest pepper is the Bonnie orange habanero or Chef Jeff Caribbean red, both of those had labels on them last year in the nursery that said they were the world's hottest, so it must be true.

And it's a good thing their name is "Herbs R Us," because those are some really sad looking over fertilized peppers. Hopefully their herbs look better. :eek:
I've never seen plants hotter than a habanero around here... not even at the farmer's market, which is a shame. If I thought about it earlier I probably could have started extra seedlings and set up a small booth. I *know* there is a demand.

You'd think in a college town they'd at least have the sense to cash in on the dumbasses wanting to mess with the frat buddy friends.
Hey guys, new to the forum :)

Haha i saw that aswell at the festival last weekend.. can't remember the amount of times i either read or heard "world's hottest chilli" when reffering to the bhut jolokia :snooty: .. I just went straight to the wildfire/heatseeker stall, they know their stuff. Ended up buying a few plants: Jonah 7 Pot, Bhut Jolokia and a Butch T. Mad chilli head but my first time growing so until i do some more research of growing from seeds i'm gonna stick to these and see how they go. Wish me luck!
I believe the world's hottest pepper is the Bonnie orange habanero or Chef Jeff Caribbean red, both of those had labels on them last year in the nursery that said they were the world's hottest, so it must be true.

And it's a good thing their name is "Herbs R Us," because those are some really sad looking over fertilized peppers. Hopefully their herbs look better. :eek:
That's why I'm here. I was one of those suckers that bought a poor plant every February, only to have it do bad, like I'd get 6 pods of it and it was a goner. And a lot of them were hybrids or mislabeled.
So that's why I'm growing my own from seed as of ~6 months ago.
That's why I'm here. I was one of those suckers that bought a poor plant every February, only to have it do bad, like I'd get 6 pods of it and it was a goner. And a lot of them were hybrids or mislabeled.
So that's why I'm growing my own from seed as of ~6 months ago.

Starting from seed is much better. You get a far larger selection to work with and you'll be able to put out much healthier, more compact, and further along plants than if you buy them. And it's a lot cheaper. I can start and raise 100 plants to 8-10 inches tall for probably less than $100 including electricity, pots, and potting mix, and you don't even need much electricity if you have a greenhouse.
I don't know about in other countries, but in Australia I would say the vast majority of people including those that like to eat hot chilli, have no idea what breeds of chillies are actually out there. I've talked to many people who believe that the smaller a chilli is, the hotter it is. That green is hotter then red, etc. Also the vast majority of those that do eat chilli have only eaten Annuums.

I leant my lesson buying chilli plants from nurseries. Being new the gardening and chilli plants it wasn't all bad, I do have some really nice hot chillies even if I don't know what varieties they are. Thing that annoys me the most is the yellow habanero I put alot of into that plant, it looks great and it is the biggest of my plants but the pods are peach in color and their not very hot. :banghead: