"World's Hottest"

nubster said:
Which ones? I tried an internet search and I keep seeing the Bhut Jolokia listed as the hottest.

7 pod and Scorpions are regarded as hotter by many chileheads, but there hasn't been any testing so the record still stands.
Oh ok...I thought I had read that the Scorpions were one of the hottest. 7 pods too huh? Maybe next yeah I will have to see if I can round up some seeds. Still waiting for my Scorpions to sprout.
Saw a Bonnie truck at Lowes today....started to ask them why they list it as hottest in the world...then shrugged and walked away and figured they wouldn't understand even if I did correct them.
JustinNC said:
Saw a Bonnie truck at Lowes today....started to ask them why they list it as hottest in the world...then shrugged and walked away and figured they wouldn't understand even if I did correct them.

You were good for walking away. That delivery driver probably knows as much about plants as the average joe knows about cosmology........
I tried Chef Jeff's once. It was listed as the world hottest but no name. This was prior to the Bhut being around so I thought it may be a Red Savina. Nope, regular red hab. Personally if I owned the hottest listed pod in the land I'd be challenging anyone who claimed they had hotter pods. Sounds like fun.
LGHT said:
It specifically says the "Worlds Hottest Habenero Pepper" not Worlds Hottest Pepper period lol.

This is true, BUT, I beleive the way it is written is a deliberate atttempt at "Worlds Hottest" period. but the Habenero Pepper under it is a butt covering exercise. Note the two different font sizes and the defined spacing between them. cheeky buggers ;)