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Worm Castings

Weed growers are wise, and unlike most of us... they have a big fat budget to spend. there's a lot to learn from them.
OK back to worm castings...

So they should be used as an additive/fertilizer rather than a substrate?

This being the case, if I wanted to mix up a bit of soil, yes, taking into account the varying NKP ratios, how does this sound:

2 parts potting mix
2 parts coco
1 part worm castings

Adjust for NKP and pH.

50% coco, 25% perlite, 25% vermicompost/40% coco, 40% vermicompost, 20% perlite/50% coco, 50% vermicompost

Proper vermicompost should be neutral.
For me this is for some seedlings that I have. Currently 3 plants in 15cm (6inch) pots, will move them to 25cm (10in) pots before transferring into a garden bed that I am currently solarising.

Thanks Omri, good info.
Vermicompost has great "earthy" qualities, so it only betters your mix. I seriously doubt a plant can overdose on it, because I've never seen happened. it should be great for your plants. just be sure you purchase quality stuff if you go and buy it... some are better than others.
Nah, coming outta my worm farm. This stuff was made from dog sh*t, as we have a dog business. Has also been inactive for about 6 months.

We have been careful to only select the best shit, avoiding animals that had been recently wormed, treated for fleas etc or on medicines.
That's not very wise me thinks. the idea is to get whole organic matters, not ones that were decomposed already. it'll be good enough though, I think...
hold on a second here....they say not to use pet feces (dog or cat poop) compost for anything edible!!! Something about toxins and parasites that can be passed from a dog or cat to a human....I'll find the article I just read it yesturday....

Good reading.

Only thing I can add is that there's no cat poop in there, and it has been thru a worm farm, not compost.

But, in the mean time, I will not use it on food stuffs.