worst food ever

TB didn't answer the rhetorical question if shellfish ....
( AND SHRIMPS!!!!  Another PetPeeve when served with the TailsON!)
are supposed to be dug out of the cream soup, appetizer, etc... and eaten with fingers or flicking sauce on the neighbors in the next booth...
PS- I'd join Mrs Blues at Skippers in Seattle before hooking up for a burger at Dick's.  Last time we were at Dick's about 14 months ago it taste like crap.
Oh yeah, thats sad. Ivar's is definitely better than Skipper's. And Ivar Haglund's Chowder rocks. (For a thick fast food joint). No shells either. Lol
salsalady said:
PS- I'd join Mrs Blues at Skippers in Seattle before hooking up for a burger at Dick's.  Last time we were at Dick's about 14 months ago it taste like crap.
You dare to mock Dick's? Voted the number 1 favorite in America? I tell no lies.
Correct thine self woman!
Yea, gotta give props to Ivar's Chowder..... We can buy it in Twisp (refrigerated dept), and it's good. and No Shells!  :lol:
Deathtosnails said:
Worst thing I've got at a restaurant was a Vietnamese place.  Asked for combination noodle soup.  I thought combo of meats.  Nope, combo of offal, tendon and a huge block of congealed blood.
You were drunk.
And in Edinburgh Scotland.
And mah ambienz kickin; in.
tru story/
Scoville DeVille said:

Skipper's. Where's the puke bucket emoticon?

OK, Skipper's qualifies in this thread for damm sure! Bad. Bad. Bad. Sea"food".

Edit: I found an "actual customer" pic...

I see black peppr.
G gonna love that looong time.
texas blues said:
You dare to mock Dick's? Voted the number 1 favorite in America? I tell no lies.
Correct thine self woman!
Yes, and I didn't "grow up with" Dick's and I don't have an emotional childhood relationship with Dicks. 
Went there about  6 years ago with the 'Kid and it was a typical greasy-spoon fast food burger joint.  OK, I Get it, it worked.
Went there about 2 years ago with the 'Kid...and it was "wow, this really tastes [not good]..."
And gimme that PROOF of voted Best in America!  That honor could also go to Beth's.   ;) best breakfast and the 12-egg omlet! 
ps- come up to eastern WA, you'll get the best 12 egg B&G Benedict Omlet you've ever seen!!!
Deathtosnails said:
Worst thing I've got at a restaurant was a Vietnamese place.  Asked for combination noodle soup.  I thought combo of meats.  Nope, combo of offal, tendon and a huge block of congealed blood.
F that! I woulda walked out! LOL Poor dog!
I guess if you didn't grow up with Dick's you just don't get it. No freezers, no frozen precut potatoes (best fries ANYWHERE), no foo no fluff. Milk shakes made to order with old school machines. Gimme 2 Dick's Deluxe, 2 Fries and a Chocolate shake, and lemme sit in my Caddy and "people watch".

salsalady said:
And gimme that PROOF of voted Best in America!
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salsalady said:
Yes, and I didn't "grow up with" Dick's and I don't have an emotional childhood relationship with Dicks. 
Went there about  6 years ago with the 'Kid and it was a typical greasy-spoon fast food burger joint.  OK, I Get it, it worked.
Went there about 2 years ago with the 'Kid...and it was "wow, this really tastes [not good]..."
And gimme that PROOF of voted Best in America!  That honor could also go to Beth's.   ;) best breakfast and the 12-egg omlet! 

ps- come up to eastern WA, you'll get the best 12 egg B&G Benedict Omlet you've ever seen!!!
I couldn't find the original article I read but here's a couple links with other polls that echo the love for Dick's.
To be sure, the esquire article should be taken with a huge grain of salt as fans also listed 5 Guys as a favorite although its waaaay down the list.
Personally I think 5 Guys is total crap and on par with Burger King.
I think that Dick's is pretty dang guud my 'sef. I just ask for no lettuce and easy on the mayo.
Scovie beat me to it!