Worst Pepper

A solid and substantial meal followed by a tall glass of milk. Eat the pepper shortly after that. You may still get cap cramps but they'll be nowhere near as severe. If you eat shortly before going to sleep, you're asking for trouble too so stay up a couple of hours before sleeping.
But doesn't capsaicin have health benefits? You don't wanna neutralize it right away.

My way just lessens them. Eating superhots more regularly and building a tolerance is what I prefer.
I don't think that the stomach and bowels build "resistance".  That seems to be a purely mouth function.
I can eat red savinas all day long, with no problem - but give me one fatalii, and I'm doubled over like I've just been kicked by a donkey.
I have noticed that too about the Fatalii peppers. They can really hit the stomach hard with burn and capsaicin cramps more than others will. Although I have noticed over time I have developed some tolerance for them.
I knock off Fataliis without any digestive issues whatsoever. My only complaint about those is, sometimes, they strike me being more bitter than other yellow Chinense
Bicycle808 said:
I knock off Fataliis without any digestive issues whatsoever. My only complaint about those is, sometimes, they strike me being more bitter than other yellow Chinense
Ha, that's funny.  I actually think they're one of the best flavored of the yellows.  
But I can't stand the feel of them in my stomach.
Life is grand.
solid7 said:
Ha, that's funny.  I actually think they're one of the best flavored of the yellows.  
But I can't stand the feel of them in my stomach.
Life is grand.
Fataliis are probably, like, my second favorite chile and I definitely prefer yellow Chinense. It's just, sometimes, in some contexts, I catch bitter tones and I feel betrayed. It don't happen often.