worst valentine giveaway

MD Family too, born and raised... but how did you edit my post above? Nice feature THP

lol - I didn't. I quotes you & edited the quote.

I was born in Silver Spring - purely by accident. My brother's 2 years older & was born in CA. My parents thought they'd get one last visit back east before I was born. I popped out 3 weeks early, the day before they were gonna fly home.

I've never lived there, but have to write "silver spring, MD" on everything. Sigh.

Just one more reason for me to root for the Niners.
contest over!!!!!

jay t,geeme,salsa lady p.m. me your addresses.

bravesfan it sounds like your actually v-day was fine?
blue there is no way im rewarding you forgetting anniversary,and valentines :rofl:
bjbo sounds like you are use to not getting anything.
Thanks, Siccy, This comes at a great time. I'm low on powders. Might even share a little bit of it in the SuperHot Chili I'm making for the Chili Cook-off next weekend. Maybe....or I might just keep it all for meself~~~

Thanks Again! xoxo