labels-artwork would re-labeling be wrong?

Do you think it would be wrong, either moral or law, to re-label someone elses sauce?
As in, you buy lots of sauce from some existing producer, and then put that sauce in your own bottles and sell it? The reason could be either for profit or to get yourself a good reputation among chili-heads if they like your product.

What about using someone elses sauce/extract as a part of your own sauce?
Using someone elses creation and calling it your own is just plain wrong. People do it, but it doesn't make it right. It would have to be for amoral profit alone. To make friends by playing off of someone elses creation...Well, perhaps that person should make a visit to the guy with the ink blots and comfortable couch.

Many companies and people use products that are already out there as raw materials. Hell, we use butter, but don't own a cow. :D

Sorry if I sound a bit terse, but slapping a label on someone elses product and calling it your own is just sad.
DEFCON Creator said:
Using someone elses creation and calling it your own is just plain wrong. People do it, but it doesn't make it right. It would have to be for amoral profit alone. To make friends by playing off of someone elses creation...Well, perhaps that person should make a visit to the guy with the ink blots and comfortable couch.

Many companies and people use products that are already out there as raw materials. Hell, we use butter, but don't own a cow. :shock:

Sorry if I sound a bit terse, but slapping a label on someone elses product and calling it your own is just sad.


Seriously, I agree with the creator - it's wrong. I'm just starting to mess around with my own creations, and REFUSE to use any commercially available ingredient. For instance I won't add someone elses extract to my sauce to heat it up. (I SWEAR that my two bottles of ZERO are still unopened :!: ).

Plus it's much more satisfying when people like the product and you actaully make it. It's probably illegal as well, unless the people making it gave express written permission.

:D LOL! :lol: Now that was funny.

Anyway, you're right, how can you gain any pleasure in claiming fame to something that isn't yours? I think I've stated in posts before that it took years of trial and error before our stuff made it to where it is. I told another person on this board that was looking for people to GIVE him recipes...Go on the net, there are TONS of recipes out there, pick out a few recipes that have ingredients that intrigue you, put on your lab coat, and head to the kitchen. I can't possibly see any fulfillment in using another persons product and claiming it's yours, besides making money off of someone elses idea (amoral monetary justification). My opinion, but I think many on this board will agree.
Of course that's wrong. I'm surprised you even pose that question!

Personally I only use whole food ingredients in my sauces...and grow the chiles myself during the growing season.
What you are talking about is private label, and lots of companies do it (with permission, of course!).

For example, if a restaurant wants their own brand of hot sauce on their tables, but they don't make hot sauce, they will buy from a private label manufacturer who will bottle it for them with their logo, name, design.

In the fine print, you can usually see who really made it.

If that is what you want to do, call some companies, or search google for "private label" and "hot sauce."

DEFCON Creator said:
I told another person on this board that was looking for people to GIVE him recipes...Go on the net, there are TONS of recipes out there, pick out a few recipes that have ingredients that intrigue you, put on your lab coat, and head to the kitchen. I can't possibly see any fulfillment in using another persons product and claiming it's yours, besides making money off of someone elses idea (amoral monetary justification). My opinion, but I think many on this board will agree.
Haha I think that was me. Just to clarify if there was any confusion I wasn't looking to steal peoples commerical hot sauce recipe. I was just curious what some people did for making their own for personal use. Yeah I can use the net like everyone else but that doesn't mean it will be good. I found some that looked good and I changed some stuff. But I wanted something a person could recommend to me and some guidance or words of caution. I had already started experimenting anyway, I was just curious. Now back to the topic

I agree with everyone else. Not quite the way I would go taking someone elses stuff :twisted:
re-labeling is wrong and in most cases illegal.
All is not lost however. :idea: If you have an idea for a label that you think will sell, and you have a certain type of sauce that you would like to have adorn said label, as the site admin stated earlier, a company that offers private label services is your best and legal answer.
What about using someone elses sauce/extract as a part of your own sauce?

Basically same answer as your first question..I think :twisted: If you opt for a private label sauce, you are using somebody elses sauce.
Hope this helps!
A thousand mile journey begins with the first step, and creating your own sauce is not an overnight process. Through trial and error, you will eventually create something you'll be especially proud of because you alone created it. Wow, I sound philosphical this early in the morning? Now that's scary. :twisted:
I must be the only doubter here......this subject is made to sound like the quest for the Holy Graal and it's not, it's just hot sauce. It may be your hot sauce, but it's just hot sauce.

It would be interesting if the Mexican Indios sued all sauce makers for stealing their recipies or sought to make them feel guilty and unethical.....they started hot sauces in the first's their recipie.....
Willard, the question here is if it's ok to take someone elses recipe, which they have spent thousands of dollars for; trademarks, copyrights, legal fees, accountant fees, bottling expenses, health department checks, advertising expenses, transportation fees, etc. and have someone else slap their label on it and call it theirs. We in fact use Chinese, American and Indian grown peppers, European salts, American butter, vinegars from around the world and spices from 5 different countries. I doubt the Mexican Indios used these exact ingredients, hence our trademarks and copyrights. said:
What you are talking about is private label, and lots of companies do it (with permission, of course!).

For example, if a restaurant wants their own brand of hot sauce on their tables, but they don't make hot sauce, they will buy from a private label manufacturer who will bottle it for them with their logo, name, design.

In the fine print, you can usually see who really made it.

If that is what you want to do, call some companies, or search google for "private label" and "hot sauce."


This is exactly what I'm looking for. I am currenty looking for (hopefully Calgary based) a very potent hot sauce that will go private label with me. I have a little marketing plan that I have much more belief in than my culnary skills:) . I don't think I'd be stealing from the sauce maker, because they get to name their price! It's a win/win deal for the original recipe holder and the private labeler, I figure.

Does anyone know of some companies that are willing to go private label? I would like to start out small so minimum quantity startup production is what I'm really looking for. Thanks, and happy hot sauce hunting!;)
What am I, chopped liver??? Blatant self-promotion coming up... HP, cover your eyes.


There's a hot sauce manufacturer in Rigaud, Quebec, Brooks Pepperfire Foods. I just happen to be one of the owners of the place. We're just outside of Montreal and we ship anywhere in the world. We private label for several different hot sauce companies and restaurants and we have our own line. We can develop sauces for you or bottle your own recipe... Up to you.

If you'd rather just have the name of co-packers in Calgary though, you'll have a few names, I know who the competition for hot sauces are, but I don't know who co-packs and who doesn't.

[quote name='Cap'n Bones']I'm not exactly sure where these companies are located within Canada, but you may want to check with Denzel's hot sauce and Hatari Brothers. Best Wishes![/quote]

Denzel is in BC... To my knowledge he simply puts your label on his sauce. As he says on his website, he has no shame... ;) I will note that what Denzel is referring to as private labelling on his website is not "Co-packing"... in other words, if you intend to sell this hot sauce, as I'm sure you do, I don't know whether Denzel has shame or not... Contact him, he'll tell you whether or not he's interested in quoting the project.

You can phone Denzel at 1-250-833-0433 or you can email him at denzel at

Hatari Brothers, in Calgary is owned by Some Like it Hot... or the other way around, I'm not sure, but they can be reached at (403) 735-6022 or by email at somelike at To my knowledge that don't co-pack... but that means nothing... I'm under the impression that they also do Mr. Big, and that, I believe is a co-pack... so someone there is co-packing... I just don't know who to send you to to talk to.

Shop around. Different co-packers have different abilities.

Good luck.

Tina Brooks said:
What am I, chopped liver??? Blatant self-promotion coming up... HP, cover your eyes.


There's a hot sauce manufacturer in Rigaud, Quebec, Brooks Pepperfire Foods. I just happen to be one of the owners of the place. We're just outside of Montreal and we ship anywhere in the world. We private label for several different hot sauce companies and restaurants and we have our own line. We can develop sauces for you or bottle your own recipe... Up to you.

If you'd rather just have the name of co-packers in Calgary though, you'll have a few names, I know who the competition for hot sauces are, but I don't know who co-packs and who doesn't.


Didn't realize that you guys did private label stuff. Shame on me...Now I do. :D
Cap'n Bones said:
Tina Brooks said:
What am I, chopped liver??? Blatant self-promotion coming up... HP, cover your eyes.


There's a hot sauce manufacturer in Rigaud, Quebec, Brooks Pepperfire Foods. I just happen to be one of the owners of the place. We're just outside of Montreal and we ship anywhere in the world. We private label for several different hot sauce companies and restaurants and we have our own line. We can develop sauces for you or bottle your own recipe... Up to you.

If you'd rather just have the name of co-packers in Calgary though, you'll have a few names, I know who the competition for hot sauces are, but I don't know who co-packs and who doesn't.


Didn't realize that you guys did private label stuff. Shame on me...Now I do. ;)

Lookidat... todays a learning day for both you and John. :D hehe
