Would this be safe to spray on my peppers?

Hi all just wondering would this be safe to spray on my peppers to get rid of the aphids?
Eco-Neem is a registered organic insecticide for the control of chewing and sucking insects including caterpillars, curl grubs, grasshoppers, lawn armyworm, aphids, mites, citrus leafminer, fungus gnats and whitefly. It suppresses appetite so insects stop feeding and starve to death. eco-neem also causes distorted pest growth increasing mortality and making them more susceptible to predator attack.

  • Very effective on a broad range of chewing and sucking insects

  • Made from 100% botanical ingredients and registered organic (Australian Organic)

  • Safe for beneficial insects (only insects which eat the sprayed plants are affected)

  • Economical (100ml makes up to 50 litres)

  • Very stable form of neem

austin87 said:
Can you elaborate on the reason to not mix sulfur and neem?
Its very bad (burns the crap outta your plants). I learned because I was spraying plants with sm-90 and neem oil. Couldn't understand why the plants were burning to a crisp as I was using them half dose. Well plants don't like sulfuric acid, even at a half dose  :lol: . Lesson learned.
I just looked at a few youtube videos by so-called experts who recommend blending the neem with the sulfer(sm-90 ) .  :confused: